文件位置:我放在 D:\WSL 目录下
执行顺序(Execute Sequence): 启动WSL容器并转发端口.vbs -> 启动WSL容器.cmd -> 转发端口到WSL容器.vbs -> 转发端口到WSL容器.cmd -> 转发WSL容器端口到主机.vbs -> 转发WSL容器端口到主机.cmd
其中vbs用于管理员身份调用cmd,并且隐藏执行时的窗口。cmd用于根据参数 “yes” 调用下一个vbs,以管理员身份,隐藏窗口的形式执行对应的bat
for that execute sequence,the vbs file is used to run cmd file with admin and without window,the cmd file is used to run vbs according to cmd file's param 'yes';
- "导出Ubuntu-18.04.cmd" 用于导出WSL到脚本所在目录,导出后文件名为Ubuntu-18.04.tar
- "TAR恢复Ubuntu-18.04.cmd" 用于恢复 "导出Ubuntu-18.04.cmd" 脚本所导出的WSL,恢复位置为: E:\Linux\Ubuntu-18.04,可通过修改脚本修改恢复位置
- "移除恢复的Ubuntu-18.04.cmd" 用于卸载 "TAR恢复Ubuntu-18.04.cmd" 脚本所恢复的WSL
- "WSL状态.cmd" 用于显示WSL运行状态以及端口转发列表
- "启动WSL容器.cmd" 用于启动WSL容器以及运行WSL需要开机启动的脚本.文件init.sh为WSL开机启动脚本,需放到WSL下的/etc/下面,修改权限为755(chmod 755 /etc/如果执行脚本时跟了参数 yes,则在脚本执行完成后不会直接退出
- "删除转发到WSL的端口.cmd" 用于删除本机转发到WSL的端口以及关闭WSL.如果如果执行脚本时跟了参数 yes,则在脚本执行完成后不会直接退出,也不会关闭WSL
- "转发端口到WSL容器.cmd" 用于转发本机端口到WSL端口,便于通过本机IP:端口的组合访问WSL.文件getIp.sh为获取WSL当前IP的脚本,需放到WSL下的/etc/下面,权限改为755.如果执行脚本时跟了参数 yes,则在脚本执行完成后不会直接退出
- "启动WSL容器并转发端口.vbs" 用于登陆时自动启动WSL,并执行WSL开机自启脚本,且不会有CMD黑窗.可以用Windows的计划任务,在登录时执行;或直接放到Windows的"启动"文件夹实现开机自启
- "关闭WSL容器并取消转发端口.vbs" 用于注销时自动取消转发本机端口到WSL以及关闭WSL
- "" 用于通过nginx,将WSL中的端口转发到主机上的某个端口。需要复制到/etc/,修改权限755。此项依赖于NGINX,同时需要关闭wsl自带的端口转发功能(将.wslconfig复制到windows的你的用户目录下即可:C:\User\YourName.wslconfig),关闭后需要在“转发端口到WSL容器.cmd”中添加你要转发到wsl中的端口。默认的22,3306等端口都需要自行转发。要删除端口转发,则修改"删除转发到WSL的端口.cmd"中端口配置
- "转发WSL容器端口到主机.cmd" 配合“”使用。如果主机(HOST)启动了防火墙,需要添加对应端口的入栈规则
- "删除转发到主机的端口.cmd" 用于删除WSL转发到主机的端口
Windows Task Scheduler please visti two floder "关闭WSL容器计划任务配置" and "启动WSL容器计划任务配置"
- "导出Ubuntu-18.04.cmd" is use to export WSL to script dir,export file name is Ubuntu-18.04.tar.
- "TAR恢复Ubuntu-18.04.cmd" is use to restore exported WSL by "导出Ubuntu-18.04.cmd" ,restore WSL file at: E:\Linux\Ubuntu-18.04,you can change it in script.
- "移除恢复的Ubuntu-18.04.cmd" is use to uninstall exported WSL by "TAR恢复Ubuntu-18.04.cmd".
- "WSL状态.cmd" is use to show WSL state,version and port forward list.
- "启动WSL容器.cmd" is use to launch WSL and the init script of WSL when it's start.file is a script of WSL which need to launch at WSL start,put it at /etc/ in WSL.change permission to 744 use 'chmod 755 /etc/'.if this cmd has a param "yes",it won't exit when is run complete
- "删除转发到WSL的端口.cmd" is use to DELETE FORWARD host port to WSL port and shutdown WSL.if this cmd has a param "yes",it won't exit when is run complete , also won't shutdown WS.L
- "转发端口到WSL容器.cmd" is use to FORWARD host port to WSL,because of this, you can use "host port:WSL port" to visit WSL.file is a script to get WSL's IP,put it at /etc/ this cmd has a param "yes",it won't exit when is run complete.
- "启动WSL容器并转发端口.vbs" is use to auto startup WSL and forward host port to WSL.
- "关闭WSL容器并取消转发端口.vbs" is use to disable forward host port to WSL and shutdown WSL.
- 导出 : export
- 恢复 : restore,import
- 移除 : uninstall,unregister
- 状态 : state,status
- 删除 : delete
- 转发 : forward
- 端口 : port
- 本机 : host
- 启动 : launch,start,startup
- 关闭 : close,shutdown
- 登录 : Login
- 注销 : Logoff,Logout
- 会话 : Sessions
- 断开 : Disconnect
- 程序 : Program,Command
- 脚本 : Script