This is a tool to automatically register, support Windows and macOS systems, complete Auth verification, and reset Cursor's configuration.
這是一個自動化工具,自動註冊,支持 Windows 和 macOS 系統,完成 Auth 驗證,重置 Cursor 的配置。
If you don't have Google Chrome, you can download it from here
如果沒有 Google Chrome,可以從這裡下載
🌟 Google OAuth Authentication with Lifetime Access
使用 Google OAuth 認證(終身訪問) -
⭐ GitHub OAuth Authentication with Lifetime Access
使用 GitHub OAuth 認證(終身訪問) -
Automatically register Cursor membership
自動註冊 Cursor 會員 -
Support Windows and macOS systems
支持 Windows 和 macOS 系統 -
Complete Auth verification
完成 Auth 驗證 -
Reset Cursor's configuration
重置 Cursor 的配置 -
Multi-language support (English, 简体中文, 繁體中文, Vietnamese)
Windows | x64 | ✅ | macOS | Intel | ✅ |
Windows | x86 | ✅ | macOS | Apple Silicon | ✅ |
Linux | x64 | ✅ | Linux | x86 | ✅ |
Linux | ARM64 | ✅ | Linux | ARM64 | ✅ |
⭐ Auto Run Script | 腳本自動化運行
curl -fsSL -o && chmod +x && ./
irm | iex
⭐ Manual Reset Machine | 手動運行重置機器
curl -fsSL | sudo bash
irm | iex
- If you want to stop the script, please press Ctrl+C
要停止腳本,請按 Ctrl+C
📝 Config | 文件配置
Win / Macos / Linux Path | 路徑 [Documents/.cursor-free-vip/config.ini]
⭐ Config | 文件配置
# Default Google Chrome Path | 默認Google Chrome 遊覽器路徑
chromepath = C:\Program Files\Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe
# Handle Tuenstile Wait Time | 等待人機驗證時間
handle_turnstile_time = 2
# Handle Tuenstile Wait Random Time (must merge 1-3 or 1,3) | 等待人機驗證隨機時間(必須是 1-3 或者 1,3 這樣的組合)
handle_turnstile_random_time = 1-3
# Storage Path | 存儲路徑
storage_path = /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Cursor/User/globalStorage/storage.json
# SQLite Path | SQLite路徑
sqlite_path = /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Cursor/User/globalStorage/state.vscdb
# Machine ID Path | 機器ID路徑
machine_id_path = /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Cursor/machineId
# For Linux users: ~/.config/cursor/machineid
# Min Random Time | 最小隨機時間
min_random_time = 0.1
# Max Random Time | 最大隨機時間
max_random_time = 0.8
# Page Load Wait | 頁面加載等待時間
page_load_wait = 0.1-0.8
# Input Wait | 輸入等待時間
input_wait = 0.3-0.8
# Submit Wait | 提交等待時間
submit_wait = 0.5-1.5
# Verification Code Input | 驗證碼輸入等待時間
verification_code_input = 0.1-0.3
# Verification Success Wait | 驗證成功等待時間
verification_success_wait = 2-3
# Verification Retry Wait | 驗證重試等待時間
verification_retry_wait = 2-3
# Email Check Initial Wait | 郵件檢查初始等待時間
email_check_initial_wait = 4-6
# Email Refresh Wait | 郵件刷新等待時間
email_refresh_wait = 2-4
# Settings Page Load Wait | 設置頁面加載等待時間
settings_page_load_wait = 1-2
# Failed Retry Time | 失敗重試時間
failed_retry_time = 0.5-1
# Retry Interval | 重試間隔
retry_interval = 8-12
# Max Timeout | 最大超時時間
max_timeout = 160
Use administrator to run the script
請使用管理員身份運行腳本 -
Confirm that Cursor is closed before running the script
請確保在運行腳本前已經關閉 Cursor -
This tool is only for learning and research purposes
此工具僅供學習和研究使用 -
Please comply with the relevant software usage terms when using this tool
如果遇到權限問題,請確保: | 此腳本以管理員身份運行 |
If you encounter permission issues, please ensure: | This script is run with administrator privileges |
Error 'User is not authorized' | This means your account was banned for using temporary (disposal) mail. Ensure using a non-temporary mail service |
歡迎提交 Issue 和 Pull Request!
This tool is only for learning and research purposes, and any consequences arising from the use of this tool are borne by the user.
本項目採用 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 授權。 Please refer to the LICENSE file for details.