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----------------------project one description ---------------------------

Using : Dijkstra and A*

Develop a simulation program (in JAVA) that takes as input (Palestine map, current town, goal town), and returns the path to the goal (shown on the screen), and the algorithm’s time and space complexities.

• The simulator should implement 2 search algorithms (1 unfirmed (e.g. BFS) and 1 informed (e.g., A*)).

• The size of the map should be include: >60 nodes, branching >2, and depth >6.

• Each student should work alone, and should submit the program via Ritaj, which should include:

  1. Source code (in JAVA)

  2. towns.csv the list of towns, and the coordination (x, y) of each town on the screen.

  3. roads.csv the list of roads/links between towns, and the distance between them.

----------------------project three description ---------------------------

*Corpus included in .zip file

BuildaTri-gram language model.

Each student needs to collect an Arabic corpus of 10000 words at least, but the more is better. A bonus will be given if the corpus contains any Arabic dialect.

Students cannot use the same corpus, fully or partially.

Tokenize the corpus into tokens/words, then build a tri-gram model for this corpus. That is, your language model is a table that contains: the token, the token counts, and the token probability.

Develop a program to illustrate how to use your language model, for example, an auto-complete search box in a web form, a spell-checker, a language corrector like Grammarly, or any application you like.


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