We have moved to a new product called Vald
NGTD: Serving NGT over HTTP or gRPC.

NGTD provides serving function for NGT.
NGTD supports gRPC and HTTP protocol, so you can implement applications with your favorite programming language.
You can set any labels for each vectors, and enable to search with the label.
You must install NGT before installing ngtd.
The easiest way to install is the following command:
$ go get -u github.com/yahoojapan/ngtd/cmd/ngtd
You can get ngtd docker image with the following command.
$ docker pull yahoojapan/ngtd
The image include only NGTD single binary, you enable to run the docker container.
$ ngtd --help
ngtd - NGT Daemonize
ngtd [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
http, H serve ngtd index by http
grpc, g serve ngtd index by grpc
build, b build ngtd index
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
ngtd supports http and gRPC protocol.
$ ngtd http --help
ngtd http - serve ngtd index by http
ngtd http [command options] [arguments...]
--index value, -i value path to index (default: "/usr/share/ngtd/index")
--dimension value, -d value vector dimension size.(Must set if create new index) (default: -1)
--database-type value, -t value ngtd inner kvs type(redis, golevel, bolt or sqlite)
--database-path value, -p value ngtd inner kvs path(for golevel, bolt and sqlite) (default: "/usr/share/ngtd/db/kvs.db")
--redis-host value redis running host (default: "localhost")
--redis-port value redis running port (default: "6379")
--redis-password value redis password
--redis-database-index value, -I value list up 2 redis database indexes (default: 0, 1)
--port value, -P value listening port (default: 8200)
$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8200/search -d '{"vector":[...], "size": 10, "epsilon": 0.01}'
$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8200/searchbyid -d '{"id":"<id>", "size": 10, "epsilon": 0.01}'
If you want more information, please read model.go
$ ngtd grpc --help
ngtd grpc - serve ngtd index by grpc
ngtd grpc [command options] [arguments...]
--index value, -i value path to index (default: "/usr/share/ngtd/index")
--dimension value, -d value vector dimension size.(Must set if create new index) (default: -1)
--database-type value, -t value ngtd inner kvs type(redis, golevel, bolt or sqlite)
--database-path value, -p value ngtd inner kvs path(for golevel, bolt and sqlite) (default: "/usr/share/ngtd/db/kvs.db")
--redis-host value redis running host (default: "localhost")
--redis-port value redis running port (default: "6379")
--redis-password value redis password
--redis-database-index value, -I value list up 2 redis database indexes (default: 0, 1)
--port value, -P value listening port (default: 8200)
If you use language except golang, compile proto file for the language.
Go examples are in example/.
Build will construct the NGT database by importing the Vector data, please check the Input Format section at the bottom of the Build chapter for the file format to import.
$ ngtd build --help
ngtd build - build ngtd index
ngtd build [command options] [arguments...]
--index value, -i value path to index (default: "/usr/share/ngtd/index")
--dimension value, -d value vector dimension size.(Must set if create new index) (default: -1)
--database-type value, -t value ngtd inner kvs type(redis, golevel, bolt or sqlite)
--database-path value, -p value ngtd inner kvs path(for golevel, bolt and sqlite) (default: "/usr/share/ngtd/db/kvs.db")
--redis-host value redis running host (default: "localhost")
--redis-port value redis running port (default: "6379")
--redis-password value redis password
--redis-database-index value, -I value list up 2 redis database indexes (default: 0, 1)
--text-delimiter value, -D value delimiter for text input (default: "\t", " ")
--pool value number of CPU using NGT indexing (default: 8)
--parallel-parse value number of CPU using input parser (default: 8)
Now, we support only text format.
It enables for id to use any character without delimiter1 and for vector elements to use decimal/hex format.
If you choice hex format, you must begin the value with "0x".
Copyright (C) 2018 Yahoo Japan Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
This project requires contributors to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA).
Note that only for contributions to the ngtd repository on the GitHub (https://github.com/yahoojapan/ngtd), the contributors of them shall be deemed to have agreed to the CLA without individual written agreements.