- 🔭 Gopher + Rustacean,对分布式系统/数据库和各种泛 systems 方向感兴趣
- 🎈 在某分布式存储小厂做 Hyper-converged × Cloud Native Storage,业余搞 Web3
- 💬 Wechat:
echo eDc1MTczNjI3Nw== | base64 -d
✈️ Telegram:echo aHR0cHM6Ly90Lm1lL3hFbnZveUJvdAo= | base64 -d
- Item 33 done on rustx-labs/effective-rust-cn (5 months ago)
- support pub/sub with tables in parser on matrixorigin/matrixone (10 months ago)
- Move coalesce function from math to core on apache/datafusion (10 months ago)
- fix: dynamically get python udf from scripts table on GreptimeTeam/greptimedb (10 months ago)
- [Feature] implement SHA() and SHA1() functions on matrixorigin/matrixone (10 months ago)
- [Feature] implement UNHEX() function on matrixorigin/matrixone (10 months ago)
- feat(services/ftp): Support multiple write on apache/opendal (11 months ago)
- fix: set http response chartset to utf-8 when using table format on GreptimeTeam/greptimedb (11 months ago)