Collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution through OpenAccess API
Introduce visualisations or graphics that achieve the following:
-Increase outreach to the general public
-Educational about Planet Earth's biodiversity
-Making technical data more accessible to non-professional readers
In this exercise, we dive into crafting a visualisation that uses depth as its main theme of illustrating the diversity of our oceans. By using the depth data gathered from each fish, we move beyond simple categorization and enhance the storytelling potential of the information. The aim is to provide readers with an intuitive glimpse into the ecosystems of the deep, where various species coexist and thrive within overlapping environmental niches. Through this approach, it deepens the audience’s understanding of how biodiversity unfolds across different oceanic depths.
Building on the previous quantitative exercise, we aspire to continue with the data we have gathered about fishes beforehand and use it to introduce a visualisation that goes further than just simple categorising. With the same amount of data, we enlarge the information they can provide along with other minor enhancements. This time we are looking at introducing a graphic that can give readers an insight into fishes or marine creatures that live within similar depth ranges, sort of like finding our neighbours within a district.
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