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Internet radio station using an ESP32, VS1053 module, a TFT ILI9341 screen and an IR sensor.

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Internet radio station using an ESP32 and a VS1053 module.


  • ESP32 dev board
  • VS1053 module
  • TFT ILI9341 screen
  • XPT2046 touch controller (can be on the display module)
  • IR1838 sensor

Based on but heavily modified.

All configuration, including station presets are hardcoded (although they can optionally be configured via MQTT). You can change default values in config.cpp.

Interaction with the radio happens via the buttons on the ILI9341's touch screen and the IR remote. You should be able to use any remote, as long as you configure the right keys.

Controls support starting, stopping, going to next or previous station.

Library assumes an external amplifier (you can get cheap PC speakers for 10$), so the volume is fixed at 90% and the volume control happens at the external amplifier. Should you require internal volume control, it should be easy enough to add it.

See for suitable stations.

The following libraries are used to make this work:

  • bodmer/TFT_eSPI
  • PaulStoffregen/XPT2046_Touchscreen
  • z3t0/IRremote
  • marvinroger/async-mqtt-client
  • bblanchon/ArduinoJson
  • TridentTD/TridentTD_ESP32NVS

SPI bus is shared by the TFT LCD, the touch controller and the the VS1053.

Built with Want to use it with the arduino IDE? You should be able to with slight modifications to the file structure, but you should really just use, it's far superior ;)


To get started, copy to and fill in your pin configuration.

Upload the /data folder where the fonts reside to the ESP before flashing. You can do that with pio run --target uploadfs or just use the platformio addon for vscode and click on Upload Filesystem Image.

Calibrate your screen - you will find the calibrate function within tft-ili9341.cpp file. Paste the calibration values as instructed.


Pins are fully configurable via Note that the SPI bus is shared, so your wiring has to reflect that.

Example wiring:

ESP32 Signal Wired to LCD Wired to VS1053 Wired to the rest
GPIO32 - pin 1 XDCS -
GPIO22 - pin 2 XCS -
GPIO4 - pin 4 DREQ -
GPIO2 pin 10 D/C or A0 - -
GPIO18 SCK pin 5 T_CLK (SCK) & pin 8 SCK pin 5 SCK -
GPIO19 MISO pin 6 SDO (MISO) & pin 2 T_OUT pin 7 MISO -
GPIO23 MOSI pin 9 SDI (MOSI) & pin 3 T_DIN pin 6 MOSI -
GPIO15 pin 2 CS - -
GPIO27 pin 4 T_CS - -
GPIO25 - - - Infrared receiver VS1838B
------- ------ -------------------------------- ------------------- ----------------
GND - pin 8 GND pin 8 GND Power supply GND
VCC 5 V - pin 7 BL - Power supply
VCC 5 V - pin 6 VCC pin 9 5V Power supply
EN - pin 1 RST pin 3 XRST -


Optional MQTT support

MQTT support is optionally implemented and can be enabled via MQTT_ENABLE switch (see One upstream and one downstream topic is required. ESP will periodically ping the upstream server to let it know it is available.

Communication is focused around saving configuration, not realtime control. Realtime control is left to the touch controls and the IR remote.


Server can send commands downstream in the following format:

  data: {
    type: 'config' | 'config-request',
    payload: { // optional
      presets: [

Command types:

  • config-request: server requests config
  • config: server sends config in payload


ESP responds upstream with the same format:

  data: {
    type: 'config' | 'ping',
    payload: { // optional
      presets: [


  • config: ESP sends config upstream
  • ping: ESP sends a ping


Internet radio station using an ESP32, VS1053 module, a TFT ILI9341 screen and an IR sensor.







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