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Releases: xpipe-io/xpipe


07 Jun 08:58
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  • Make passwords for SSH config connections with set identity file automatically default to none, saving some manual configuration
  • Fix terminal installation detection being broken on macOS, always defaulting to
  • Some small file IO performance improvements



Installers are the easiest way to get started and they come with an automatic updater functionality. They can also be used to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. The following installers are available:


If you don't like installers, you can also use portable versions that are packaged as an archive. The following portable versions are available:

Install Script

Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iwr "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" ";"  "&" "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" -XPipeVersion "9.4.1"
Bash Script (Linux / MacOS)
bash <(curl -sL -v 9.4.1

VirusTotal Analysis

Automated VirusTotal analysis of all artifacts:


All artifacts are signed with the following gpg key:


02 Jun 09:04
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Connection notes

There is now the new option to add notes to any connection. These notes are written in markdown, and the full markdown spec is supported.

File transfer reliability improvements

The file transfer mechanism when editing files had some flaws, which under rare conditions caused the data not being fully transferred or the file browser session to timeout/die. This was especially prevalent when saving a file multiple times in quick succession or when using VSCode on Windows, which performs multiple file writes on save (for whatever reason).

The entire transfer implementation has been rewritten to iron out these issues and increase reliability. Other file browser actions have also been made more reliable.

There seems to be another separate issue with a PowerShell bug when connecting to a Windows system, causing file uploads to be slow. For now, xpipe can fall back to pwsh if it is installed to work around this issue.

Git vault improvements

The conflict resolution has been improved

  • When setting up the git vault on another system, there will no longer be an initial merge conflict that has to be handled
  • In case of a merge conflict, overwriting local changes will now preserve all connections that are not added to the git vault, including local connections
  • You now have the option to force push changes when a conflict occurs while XPipe is saving while running, not requiring a restart anymore

Terminal improvements

The terminal integration got reworked for some terminals:

  • iTerm can now launch tabs instead of individual windows. There were also a few issues fixed that prevented it from launching sometimes
  • WezTerm now supports tabs on Linux and macOS. The Windows installation detection has been improved to detect all installed versions
  • will now launch faster


  • You can now add simple RDP connections without a file
  • Fix VMware Player/Workstation and MSYS2 not being detected on Windows. Now simply searching for connections should add them automatically if they are installed
  • The file browser sidebar now only contains connections that can be opened in it, reducing the amount of connection shown
  • Clarify error message for RealVNC servers, highlighting that RealVNC uses a proprietary protocol spec that can't be supported by third-party VNC clients like xpipe
  • Fix Linux builds containing unnecessary debug symbols
  • Fix AUR package also installing a debug package
  • Fix application restart not working properly on macOS
  • Fix possibility of selecting own children connections as hosts, causing a stack overflow. Please don't try to create cycles in your connection graphs
  • Fix vault secrets not correctly updating unless restarted when changing vault passphrase
  • Fix connection launcher desktop shortcuts and URLs not properly executing if xpipe is not running
  • Fix move to ... menu sometimes not ordering categories correctly
  • Fix SSH command failing on macOS with homebrew openssh package installed
  • Fix SSH connections not opening the correct shell environment on Windows systems when username contained spaces due to an OpenSSH bug
  • Fix newly added connections not having the correct order
  • Fix error messages of external editor programs not being shown when they failed to start



Installers are the easiest way to get started and they come with an automatic updater functionality. They can also be used to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. The following installers are available:


If you don't like installers, you can also use portable versions that are packaged as an archive. The following portable versions are available:

Install Script

Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iwr "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" ";"  "&" "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" -XPipeVersion "9.4"
Bash Script (Linux / MacOS)
bash <(curl -sL -v 9.4

VirusTotal Analysis

Automated VirusTotal analysis of all artifacts:


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18 May 13:57
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Git vault improvements

  • The generated repository readme file has been improved. It will now show a proper tree for all connections. It also now contains troubleshooting information and instructions in case something is not working as expected.
  • Fix git integration on Windows not committing anything when GPG signing was required
  • Fix git askpass not properly working for SSH git connections when the SSH connection required user input, e.g. if a used key file had a passphrase
  • Some git performance improvements


  • Add support for Windows Terminal Canary
  • Proxmox systems can now also be added for users other than root if sudo is available
  • Fix actions to accept new ssh host key and to fix key permissions not showing up
  • Fix windows sometimes showing in the top left corner on Linux
  • Fix popup windows being cut off in xfce and i3 desktop environments
  • Fix k8s license check failing when a cluster permissions error occurred
  • Explicitly set language variables on Linux and macOS to keep internal terminal commands in english
  • Don't show nonfunctional translated directory links on Windows systems
  • The password manager command in the settings men you now support multi-line commands
  • Fix out of bounds error for file chooser with files already in the git vault
  • Fix NullPointer error when clearing a host connection chooser
  • Fix some NullPointers in the file browser



Installers are the easiest way to get started and they come with an automatic updater functionality. They can also be used to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. The following installers are available:


If you don't like installers, you can also use portable versions that are packaged as an archive. The following portable versions are available:

Install Script

Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iwr "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" ";"  "&" "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" -XPipeVersion "9.3"
Bash Script (Linux / MacOS)
bash <(curl -sL -v 9.3

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All artifacts are signed with the following gpg key:


12 May 11:18
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  • Fix custom scripts not properly applying
  • Fix closing application window while XPipe was saving not properly applying all changes
  • Fix race condition when loading file icons
  • Fix state corruption of local shell, leading to NullPointers once a shell connection had to be killed
  • Fix error handling in case powershell failed to start up
  • Fix a corrupted PATH leading to cmd or powershell not being able to be started
  • Fix headless system error message not being printed when application failed to start up
  • Fix offline licenses not properly applying
  • Fix WMClass not being properly set on Linux
  • Fix file browser files being dragged into macOS finder creating raw clipboard file
  • Fix SSH gateway not updating when choosing key file on another host
  • Fix file browser failing to connect if target system did not have id command available
  • Fix git share file button not jumping to correct settings menu

File browser improvements

The file browser has been reworked to support many new keyboard shortcuts, plus the general user experience has been improved:

  • There is now a duration estimate when transferring large files
  • Files that are right-clicked are now also included in the selection
  • The quick access menu will now shift focus properly
  • The file list can be navigated with the arrow keys. CTRL and SHIFT can be used to multiple select files
  • Any files you drag can now be explicitly moved by holding ALT
  • Renaming files will now preserve the selection
  • RIGHT will open the quick access menu tree for directories
  • CTRL+W closes the current file browser tab
  • CTRL+SHIFT+W closes all file browser tabs
  • CTRL+Q closes the window
  • CTRL+F will now properly toggle the find text field
  • CTRL+L will now focus the path location text field
  • ALT+HOME will go to the file system overview page
  • ALT+H shows the browsing history
  • ALT-UP navigates to the parent directory
  • ESCAPE clears the selection
  • SPACE shows the context menu for the selection

Git handling improvements

The git error actions have been reworked. In case any merge conflict or similar occurs, the possible actions are now handled better:

  • They are properly highlighted to distinguish them from the normal error dialog window
  • They now work for all git client localizations
  • They are less likely to cause git accidents. Any possible destructive action has to be confirmed now



Installers are the easiest way to get started and they come with an automatic updater functionality. They can also be used to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. The following installers are available:


If you don't like installers, you can also use portable versions that are packaged as an archive. The following portable versions are available:

Install Script

Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iwr "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" ";"  "&" "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" -XPipeVersion "9.2"
Bash Script (Linux / MacOS)
bash <(curl -sL -v 9.2

VirusTotal Analysis

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03 May 17:02
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  • Add ability to drop files into an active VNC session to transfer them to the system
  • Rework VNC connections to distinguish between VNC server host and actual target system host for cases like VMs where the server host and controlled target system might be different
  • Add new setting to automatically lock vault when the local system goes into hibernation/sleep mode and a custom vault passphrase was set
  • Fix sudo elevation password not being filled automatically when launching some remote connection in a terminal
  • Fix git sometimes complaining about an unknown author identity when cloning on new systems
  • Fix search for connections dialog sometimes throwing errors
  • Fix NullPointer when launching an SFTP Client/Termius/VSCode for an SSH connection without a password set
  • Fix macOS terminal and editor app recognition to be more accurate
  • Fix file browser overview buttons both opening the same directory
  • Fix exception on Linux when desktop directory did not exist
  • Fix out of bounds error for certain VNC key input
  • Fix NullPointers when launching a desktop environment for an X11 SSH connection
  • Fix some NullPointers in the file browser
  • Fix some styling issues



Installers are the easiest way to get started and they come with an automatic updater functionality. They can also be used to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. The following installers are available:


If you don't like installers, you can also use portable versions that are packaged as an archive. The following portable versions are available:

Install Script

Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iwr "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" ";"  "&" "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" -XPipeVersion "9.1"
Bash Script (Linux / MacOS)
bash <(curl -sL -v 9.1

VirusTotal Analysis

Automated VirusTotal analysis of all artifacts:


All artifacts are signed with the following gpg key:


27 Apr 19:00
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Fixes in 9.0.1

  • Fix errors when trying to launch Tabby terminal
  • Fix terminal sessions closing instantly after completion
  • Fix choco package not being built
  • Fix a few broken translation strings

Coherent desktops

XPipe now comes with support for remote desktop connections. VNC connections are fully handled over SSH and can therefore be established on top of any existing SSH connection you have in XPipe. RDP support is realized similar to the terminal support, i.e. by launching your preferred RDP client with the connection information. X11-forwarding for SSH is also now supported.

With support for remote graphical desktop connection methods as well now in XPipe 9, the big picture idea is to implement the concept of coherent desktops. Essentially, you can launch predefined desktop applications, terminals, and scripts on any remote desktop connection, regardless of the underlying connection implementation. In combination with the improved SSH tunnel and background session support, you can launch graphical remote applications with one click in the same unified way for VNC over SSH connections, RDP connections, and X11-forwarded SSH connections.

The general implementation and concept will be refined over the next updates.

SSH connection improvements

  • Tunneled and X11-forwarded custom SSH connections are now properly detected and can be toggled on and off to run in the background as normal tunnels. This applies to normal connections and also SSH configs

  • The connection establishment has been reworked to reduce the amount of double prompts, e.g. for smartcards or 2FA, where user input is required twice.

  • The custom SSH connections now properly apply all configuration options of your user configuration file. They also now correctly apply multiple options for the same key correctly.

  • Any value specified for the RemoteCommand config option will now be properly applied when launching a terminal. This allows you to still use your preexisting init command setup, e.g. with tmux.

  • There is now support defining multiple host entries in place in a custom SSH connection. This is useful for cases where you want to use ProxyJump hosts in place without having to define them elsewhere.

  • A host key acceptance notification is now displayed properly in case your system doesn't automatically accept new host keys

SSH for unknown shells (Professional feature)

There's now an option to not let XPipe interact with the system. In case a system that does not run a known command shell, e.g. a router, link, or some IOT device, XPipe was previously unable to detect the shell type and errored out after some time. This option fixes this problem. This feature is available in the professional edition preview for two weeks.

SSH X11 Forwarding on Windows via WSL

You can now enable X11 forwarding for an SSH connection.

XPipe allows you to use the WSL2 X11 capabilities on Windows for your SSH connection. The only thing you need for this is a WSL2 distribution installed on your local system. XPipe it will automatically choose a compatible installed distribution if possible, but you can also use another one in the settings menu.

This means that you don't need to install a separate X11 server on Windows. However, if you are using one anyway, XPipe will detect that and use the currently running X11 server.


XPipe 9 now comes with translations for the user interface. These were initially generated with DeepL and can be easily improved and corrected by anyone on GitHub. You can check them out in action and if there is any translation you don't like, submit a quick pull request to fix it. For instructions on how to do this, see

Terminal improvements

The terminal integrations have been reworked across the board. To better show which terminals are well supported and which aren't, there is now a status indicator for every available terminal. This will show you how good the XPipe integration with each one is and which terminals are recommended to be used with XPipe.

The kitty terminal is now fully supported with tabs on both Linux and macOS. The Warp terminal integration now correctly enables all Warp features on remote shells. On macOS, other third-party prompts also now work properly in the launched terminals.

Password manager improvements

The password manager handling has been improved and some potential sources of errors and confusion have been eliminated. There are also now a few command templates available for established password managers to quickly get started.

Improved keyboard control

It is a goal to be able to use XPipe only with a keyboard either for productivity or for accessibility reasons. XPipe 9 introduces improved keyboard support with new shortcuts and improved focus control for navigating with the arrow keys, tab, space, and enter.

Improved logo

The application logo has been improved with of regards to contrast and visibility, which often was a problem on dark backgrounds. It should now stand out on any background color.

Other changes

There have been countless small bug fixes across the board. They are not listed individually here, but hopefully you will notice some of them.



Installers are the easiest way to get started and they come with an automatic updater functionality. They can also be used to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. The following installers are available:


If you don't like installers, you can also use portable versions that are packaged as an archive. The following portable versions are available:

Install Script

Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iwr "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" ";"  "&" "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" -XPipeVersion "9.0.1"
Bash Script (Linux / MacOS)
bash <(curl -sL -v 9.0.1

VirusTotal Analysis

Automated VirusTotal analysis of all artifacts:


All artifacts are signed with the following gpg key:


27 Apr 12:50
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Coherent desktops

XPipe now comes with support for remote desktop connections. VNC connections are fully handled over SSH and can therefore be established on top of any existing SSH connection you have in XPipe. RDP support is realized similar to the terminal support, i.e. by launching your preferred RDP client with the connection information. X11-forwarding for SSH is also now supported.

With support for remote graphical desktop connection methods as well now in XPipe 9, the big picture idea is to implement the concept of coherent desktops. Essentially, you can launch predefined desktop applications, terminals, and scripts on any remote desktop connection, regardless of the underlying connection implementation. In combination with the improved SSH tunnel and background session support, you can launch graphical remote applications with one click in the same unified way for VNC over SSH connections, RDP connections, and X11-forwarded SSH connections.

The general implementation and concept will be refined over the next updates.

SSH connection improvements

  • Tunneled and X11-forwarded custom SSH connections are now properly detected and can be toggled on and off to run in the background as normal tunnels. This applies to normal connections and also SSH configs

  • The connection establishment has been reworked to reduce the amount of double prompts, e.g. for smartcards or 2FA, where user input is required twice.

  • The custom SSH connections now properly apply all configuration options of your user configuration file. They also now correctly apply multiple options for the same key correctly.

  • Any value specified for the RemoteCommand config option will now be properly applied when launching a terminal. This allows you to still use your preexisting init command setup, e.g. with tmux.

  • There is now support defining multiple host entries in place in a custom SSH connection. This is useful for cases where you want to use ProxyJump hosts in place without having to define them elsewhere.

  • A host key acceptance notification is now displayed properly in case your system doesn't automatically accept new host keys

SSH for unknown shells (Professional feature)

There's now an option to not let XPipe interact with the system. In case a system that does not run a known command shell, e.g. a router, link, or some IOT device, XPipe was previously unable to detect the shell type and errored out after some time. This option fixes this problem. This feature is available in the professional edition preview for two weeks.

SSH X11 Forwarding on Windows via WSL

You can now enable X11 forwarding for an SSH connection.

XPipe allows you to use the WSL2 X11 capabilities on Windows for your SSH connection. The only thing you need for this is a WSL2 distribution installed on your local system. XPipe it will automatically choose a compatible installed distribution if possible, but you can also use another one in the settings menu.

This means that you don't need to install a separate X11 server on Windows. However, if you are using one anyway, XPipe will detect that and use the currently running X11 server.


XPipe 9 now comes with translations for the user interface. These were initially generated with DeepL and can be easily improved and corrected by anyone on GitHub. You can check them out in action and if there is any translation you don't like, submit a quick pull request to fix it. For instructions on how to do this, see

Terminal improvements

The terminal integrations have been reworked across the board. To better show which terminals are well supported and which aren't, there is now a status indicator for every available terminal. This will show you how good the XPipe integration with each one is and which terminals are recommended to be used with XPipe.

The kitty terminal is now fully supported with tabs on both Linux and macOS. The Warp terminal integration now correctly enables all Warp features on remote shells. On macOS, other third-party prompts also now work properly in the launched terminals.

Password manager improvements

The password manager handling has been improved and some potential sources of errors and confusion have been eliminated. There are also now a few command templates available for established password managers to quickly get started.

Improved keyboard control

It is a goal to be able to use XPipe only with a keyboard either for productivity or for accessibility reasons. XPipe 9 introduces improved keyboard support with new shortcuts and improved focus control for navigating with the arrow keys, tab, space, and enter.

Improved logo

The application logo has been improved with of regards to contrast and visibility, which often was a problem on dark backgrounds. It should now stand out on any background color.

Other changes

There have been countless small bug fixes across the board. They are not listed individually here, but hopefully you will notice some of them.



Installers are the easiest way to get started and they come with an automatic updater functionality. They can also be used to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. The following installers are available:


If you don't like installers, you can also use portable versions that are packaged as an archive. The following portable versions are available:

Install Script

Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iwr "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" ";"  "&" "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" -XPipeVersion "9.0"
Bash Script (Linux / MacOS)
bash <(curl -sL -v 9.0

VirusTotal Analysis

Automated VirusTotal analysis of all artifacts:


All artifacts are signed with the following gpg key:


28 Mar 13:49
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Education professional licenses

There is now the possibility to use XPipe professional for free for students and faculty from accredited educational institutions (high schools, colleges, and universities). Just send an email to [email protected] with your official email address of your educational institution.

Other changes

  • Add new quick access context menu for directories in the file browser. This allows you to quickly navigate into a directory structure
  • Fix passwords not being properly supplied to some CLI programs like ssh or git if xpipe was started from a terminal. The programs prompted the parent terminal session instead of the xpipe askpass. This is now fixed by calling setsid.
  • Fix elevation prompt requiring unnecessary confirmation the first time when the setting to always require elevation confirmation was active
  • Fix error messages being wrong when an external application could not be found
  • Fix browser transfer progress not showing MBs after more than 1GB had been transferred
  • Fix browser file icons sometimes getting mixed up after a change
  • Improve file browser display performance



Installers are the easiest way to get started and they come with an automatic updater functionality. They can also be used to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. The following installers are available:


If you don't like installers, you can also use portable versions that are packaged as an archive. The following portable versions are available:

Install Script

Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iwr "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" ";"  "&" "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" -XPipeVersion "8.6"
Bash Script (Linux / MacOS)
bash <(curl -sL -v 8.6

VirusTotal Analysis

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24 Mar 07:45
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Professional edition restructuring

There was some feedback that the available plans for the professional edition were confusing. The monthly subscription and one time purchase could easily be confused as basically the same thing with a different timespan. Even the FAQ could still not eliminate all points of confusion as most readers were already familiar with plans from other tools, so it was difficult to properly break up the terms.

While the monthly subscription did serve well as a cheap trial of some sorts, the community edition does almost the same job as most functionality is also available in there for noncommercial systems. Most people were also wary of subscriptions and interpreted the one-time purchase option as just a longer subscription even though that is not the case. There were also several other problems such as payment limitations with the subscription and no easy way to convert an existing subscription into the one-time purchase.

With this update, the monthly subscription will be retired. This makes it much easier to explain what you will get when purchasing the professional edition without having to differentiate between two completely different models. If you are currently using the monthly subscription, nothing will change for you. It will just not be possible for new customers to purchase it anymore.

The website at has also been updated with the updated professional edition structure and will now hopefully explain everything better.

There's also now a lifetime professional edition available, which will include all future pro features. You can find the details for that on the pricing page in the FAQ if you are interested.

Other changes

  • Add support for OVH bastion systems (Professional feature)
  • Implement tab coloring for Windows Terminal in a better way
  • Fix sudo commands failing in sh shells with Bad substitution
  • Fix children connections always being included in parent category even when disabled in settings
  • Fix last used ordering not working correctly for connections
  • Fix skipped connection validation still searching for child connections
  • Fix connections failing when user home directory did not exist
  • Fix local file browser terminal open not initializing in the right directory
  • Fix temporary script directory permissions not being set correctly, leading to issues when logging into a system with multiple users
  • Fix application not using bundled fonts when local fonts failed to load
  • Fix automatic local shell fallback not working on Linux and macOS
  • Fix git password prompt getting stuck when called during shutdown and not pushing changes



Installers are the easiest way to get started and they come with an automatic updater functionality. They can also be used to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. The following installers are available:


If you don't like installers, you can also use portable versions that are packaged as an archive. The following portable versions are available:

Install Script

Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iwr "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" ";"  "&" "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" -XPipeVersion "8.5"
Bash Script (Linux / MacOS)
bash <(curl -sL -v 8.5

VirusTotal Analysis

Automated VirusTotal analysis of all artifacts:


14 Mar 10:17
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Sudo password improvements

This update will restore the old behavior of sudo passwords being automatically sourced from connection details when possible, e.g. an SSH login password or a set WSL password.
This behavior can also be combined with the option to always confirm elevation access in the security settings if you don't want XPipe to automatically fill in your sudo password.

Other changes

  • Add support for PowerShell on Linux and macOS
  • Fix file browser being able to enter invalid state when the underlying connection dies, throwing a lot of errors for every action
  • Fix license check not properly updating dates and immediately throwing errors once the license validation failed. It now properly honours the offline grace period
  • Fix children connection not showing after refresh when another category was selected
  • Fix passwords not being properly cached when multiple prompts were required to log in
  • Fix askpass dialog frequently taking focus away from other applications while open
  • Fix rare git lock file issues
  • Fix terminal launch errors not showing
  • Fix errors when deleting parent connection while editing child
  • Fix trailing spaces in file name fields causing errors
  • Improve custom SSH connection description



Installers are the easiest way to get started and they come with an automatic updater functionality. They can also be used to upgrade an existing installation to a newer version. The following installers are available:


If you don't like installers, you can also use portable versions that are packaged as an archive. The following portable versions are available:

Install Script

Install XPipe by pasting the installation command into your terminal. This will perform the full setup automatically.

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command iwr "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" ";"  "&" "$env:TEMP\get-xpipe.ps1" -XPipeVersion "8.4"
Bash Script (Linux / MacOS)
bash <(curl -sL -v 8.4

VirusTotal Analysis

Automated VirusTotal analysis of all artifacts: