weather-forecast Public
Application used to check the weather forecast i different cities, switch from F to C.
HTML UpdatedAug 24, 2024 -
recipe-project Public
Create a web page for recipes. Users have their own profiles and they create recipes, comment on other recipes, do the rating. Technologies used are SpringBoot, Angular, MongoDB. It was an existing…
TypeScript UpdatedAug 24, 2024 -
mini-IOT-system Public
Create a mini IOT system that can set up appliances based on their attributes. It has to display the min and max values using websocket. Using technologies are SpringBoot, Angular, MongoDB.
SCSS UpdatedAug 24, 2024 -
artfully-event-albania Public
Abou Web page for displaying the works of an existing event planning agency. The work is displayed in categories, admin can create, delete and update the events, upload pictures. Users can only see…
TypeScript UpdatedAug 24, 2024 -
fleet-management Public
Example of a fleet management, using spring security, authentication, angular
TypeScript UpdatedAug 24, 2024 -
aggregation-tests Public
Example of aggregations in MongoDB using SpringBoot.
Java UpdatedAug 24, 2024 -
Crud-Laravel Public
Create a website used to manage employees in a workspace, using laravel.
Create a website for an entertainment park, using sprongboot, angular, mongo db websocket
Create an application that read the logs using apace kafka, springboot and angular.
paypal-integration Public
Forked from the-swag-coder/paypal-integrationTypeScript UpdatedMay 11, 2021 -