Monitor and plot data with RTLSDR.
Inspired by the works of superkuh (
Requirements: gnuplot rtlsdr - pyrtlsdr - pylab (SciPy)
To scan a list of frequencies - from 35 to 85 MHz, and from 1420 to 1421 MHz in 0.05 MHz steps with a gain of 25 using RTLSDR device with the index 0 ./ --flist="35-85,1420-1421" -d 0 -i 0.05 -g 25
Two log files will be produced:
- scan-35.0-85.0.log
- scan-1420.0-1421.0.log
Plot the data with GNUplot:
- For a particular frequency Prepare the log file (TODO: optimize to have just one file) grep " 1420.4 " ./scan-1420.0-1421.0.log > ./scan-freq-1420.4.log
Prepare the GNUplot script, save it as, for example, set terminal png size 1000,500 set ylabel "Intensity (dB)" set xlabel "Time (UTC)" set xdata time set timefmt "%s" set format x "%d/%m\n%H" set grid set key off set pointsize 0.5 set title "1420.4 MHz" set output "./scan-1420.4.png" plot './scan-freq-1420.4.log' using 1:3 smooth bezier with lines lc 3
Run GNUplot: cat ./ | gnuplot
- To generate a spectral map Prepare the GNUplot script, save it as, for example, set view map set terminal png crop set term png size 1200, 730 set key off set ylabel 'Frequency (MHz)' set xlabel "Time (UTC)" set xdata time set timefmt "%s" set format x "%d/%m\n%H" set cblabel 'Intensity (dB)' set title "35 - 85 Mhz" set ytics 5 set output './spectral-map-35-85.png' plot './scan-35.0-85.0.log' using 1:2:3 with points ps 0.5 pt 5 palette
Run GNUplot: cat ./ | gnuplot