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Related Project: Kotlin-Reflect-Tools-For-Android


This is a tool library for Kotlin to use java reflect APIs in Kotlin simply method.It can modify or read the top level private visible property value in Kotlin way.


  • Add jcenter repository in your moduel build gradle:

     repositories {
  • Apply library in dependency config:

       compile 'wu.seal:kotlin-reflect-tools-for-jvm:1.1.2'


Method Describe
Any.getPropertyValue(propertyName: String): Any? get object property value by name
Any.changePropertyValue(propertyName: String, newValue: Any?) change object property value by name
Any.changePropertyValueIgnoreItsType(propertyName: String, newValue: Any?) change object property value by name
Any.changePropertyValueByPropertyReference(kProperty: KProperty, newValue: Any?) change object property value by property reference
Any.invokeMethod(methodName: String, vararg args: Any?): Any? invoke a method through object by method name
KProperty.changeValue(thisObj: Any, newValue: Any?) change current this property valuev
KProperty.packageLevelGetPropertyValueByName(otherPropertyName: String): Any? get other package level property value by other package level property name which is in the same kotlin file
KFunction.packageLevelGetPropertyValueByName(otherPropertyName: String): Any? get other package level property value by other package level property name which is in the same kotlin file
KProperty.packageLevelChangePropertyValue(newValue: Any?) change package level property value
KProperty.packageLevelChangeOtherPropertyValueByName(otherPropertyName: String, newValue: Any?) change other package level property value by other package level property name which is in the same kotlin file
KFunction.packageLevelChangeOtherPropertyValueByName(otherPropertyName: String, newValue: Any?) change other package level property value by other package level property name which is in the same kotlin file
KProperty.packageLevelInvokeMethodByName(methodName: String, vararg args: Any?): Any? invoke package level method by name which is in the same kotlin file
KFunction.packageLevelInvokeMethodByName(methodName: String, vararg args: Any?): Any? invoke package level method by name which is in the same kotlin file

All method don't care what the property or method visibility it is


For example a Kotlin file like this:

val topName = "topSeal"
val topNameWu = "topSealWu"
private val topAge = 666

private fun gotIt() = true

fun funDoubleAge(age: Int): Int {
    return age * 2

class TestDemo {
    private val name = "seal"
    val age = 28

    private fun isMan(): Boolean {
        return true

Then we could do these :

    fun getPropertyValue() {
        val demo = TestDemo()
        val nameValue = demo.getPropertyValue("name")"seal")

    fun changePropertyValue() {
        val demo = TestDemo()
        val originValue = demo.age
        demo.changePropertyValue("age", 100)
        val nowValue = demo.age
    fun changeValue() {
        val demo = TestDemo()
        demo::age.changeValue(demo, 100)

    fun packageLevelGetPropertyValueByName() {
        val topAge = ::topNameWu.packageLevelGetPropertyValueByName("topAge")

    fun packageLevelInvokeMethodByName() {
        val methodResult = ::topName.packageLevelInvokeMethodByName("gotIt") as Boolean`true`

To see more usage cases ,you can have a look at the test case in project.


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  • Welcome to push a pull request

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