We found a total of 46 issues, of which 19 have been fixed by the developer, 4 have been confirmed by the developer, 7 have been replied by the developer that they will not be fixed, and 16 are still waiting for confirmation from the developer.
Type | Bug pattern | Involved rules | issue url | status(fixed/confirmed await fix/confirmed won't fix/await confirmation) |
False negative about pattern implementation | P1. Fail in special data type | PMD: SingularField | issue link | await confirmation |
False negative about pattern implementation | P1. Fail in special data type | SonarQube: String function use should be optimized for single characters | issue link | confirmed/won't fix |
False negative about pattern implementation | P1. Fail in special data type | SonarQube: Objects should not be created only to getClass | issue link | fixed |
False negative about pattern implementation | P1. Fail in special data type | PMD:RedundantFieldInitializer | issue link | fixed |
False negative about pattern implementation | P1. Fail in special data type | SpotBugs: ICAST_BAD_SHIFT_AMOUNT | issue link | await confirmation |
False negative about pattern implementation | P2. Fail in compound expression | ErrorProne: ToStringReturnsNull | issue link | confirmed/await fix |
False negative about pattern implementation | P2. Fail in compound expression | SpotBugs: QBA_QUESTIONABLE_BOOLEAN_ASSIGNMENT | issue link | confirmed/won't fix |
False negative about pattern implementation | P2. Fail in compound expression | SpotBugs: SA_LOCAL_SELF_ASSIGNMENT | issue link | confirmed/won't fix |
False negative about pattern implementation | P2. Fail in compound expression | SonarQube: Variables should not be self-assigned | issue link | confirmed/won't fix |
False negative about pattern implementation | P2. Fail in compound expression | SonarQube: Fields should not be initialized to default values | issue link | fixed |
False negative about pattern implementation | P3. Fail in implicit operation | ErrorProne: IntLongMath | issue link | confirmed/won't fix |
False negative about pattern implementation | P3. Fail in implicit operation | SonarQube: Static fields should not be updated in constructors | issue link | confirmed/await fix |
False negative about pattern implementation | P3. Fail in implicit operation | SpotBugs: DMI_INVOKING_TOSTRING_ON_ARRAY | issue link | confirmed/await fix |
False negative about pattern implementation | P3. Fail in implicit operation | ErrorProne: ArrayEquals | issue link | await confirmation |
False negative about pattern implementation | P4. Fail in multiple calling operations | PMD: UseCollectionIsEmpty | issue link | fixed |
False negative about pattern implementation | P4. Fail in multiple calling operations | PMD: AvoidPrintStackTrace | issue link | fixed |
False negative about pattern implementation | P4. Fail in multiple calling operations | PMD: ClassCastExceptionWithToArray | issue link | await confirmation |
False negative about pattern implementation | P4. Fail in multiple calling operations | PMD: DontCallThreadRun | issue link | fixed |
False negative about pattern implementation | P5. Fail in separated expressions | PMD: UseProperClassLoader | issue link | fixed |
False negative about pattern implementation | P5. Fail in separated expressions | ErrorProne: ToStringReturnsNull | issue link | confirmed/await fix |
False negative about pattern implementation | P5. Fail in separated expressions | PMD: InstantiationToGetClass | issue link | await confirmation |
False negative about pattern implementation | P6. Fail in unnecessary brackets | PMD: ReturnEmptyArrayRatherThanNull | issue link | await confirmation |
False negative about pattern implementation | P6. Fail in unnecessary brackets | PMD: SimplifyConditional | issue link | await confirmation |
False negative about pattern implementation | P6. Fail in unnecessary brackets | SonarQube: Switch statements should not contain non-case labels | issue link | fixed |
False negative about pattern implementation | P7. Fail in variables | PMD: FinalFieldCouldBeStatic | issue link | await confirmation |
False negative about pattern implementation | P7. Fail in variables | PMD: AvoidDecimalLiteralsInBigDecimalConstructor | issue link | fixed |
False negative about pattern implementation | Others | PMD: AvoidThrowingNullPointerException | issue link | await confirmation |
False negative about pattern implementation | Others | PMD: StringToString | issue link | fixed |
False negative about pattern implementation | Others | PMD: SimplifyBooleanExpressions | issue link | await confirmation |
Type | Bug pattern | Involved rules | issue url | status(fixed/confirmed await fix/confirmed won't fix/await confirmation) |
False negative bugs about rule definition | P8. Miss comparable method | PMD: UseLocaleWithCaseConversions | issue link | await confirmation |
False negative bugs about rule definition | P8. Miss comparable method | ErrorProne: BoxedPrimitiveEquality | issue link | confirmed/won't fix |
False negative bugs about rule definition | P8. Miss comparable method | SonarQube: Java.lang.Error should not be extended | issue link | fixed |
False negative bugs about rule definition | P8. Miss comparable method | SonarQube: Execution of the Garbage Collector should be triggered only by the JVM | issue link | fixed |
False negative bugs about rule definition | P9. Miss comparable data type or operation | SonarQube: Redundant modifiers should not be used | issue link | fixed |
False negative bugs about rule definition | P9. Miss comparable data type or operation | PMD: AvoidArrayLoops | issue link | fixed |
False negative bugs about rule definition | P9. Miss comparable data type or operation | SpotBugs: ICAST_INTEGER_MULTIPLY_CAST_TO_LONG | issue link | await confirmation |
False negative bugs about rule definition | P10. Miss subclass or superclass | PMD: ReturnEmptyArrayRatherThanNull | issue link | await confirmation |
False negative bugs about rule definition | P10. Miss subclass or superclass | PMD: AvoidCatchingThrowable | issue link | await confirmation |
Type | Bug pattern | Involved rules | issue url | status(fixed/confirmed await fix/confirmed won't fix/await confirmation) |
False positive bugs in the examined static bug finders | P11. Poor handling of method with same name | PMD: SuspiciousEqualsMethodName | issue link | await confirmation |
False positive bugs in the examined static bug finders | P11. Poor handling of method with same name | PMD: UseNotifyAllInsteadOfNotify | issue link | fixed |
False positive bugs in the examined static bug finders | P11. Poor handling of method with same name | SonarQube: Object.finalize() should remain protected (versus public) when overriding | issue link | fixed |
False positive bugs in the examined static bug finders | P12. Setting over-sized scope | PMD: AvoidThrowingNullPointerException | issue link | fixed |
False positive bugs in the examined static bug finders | P12. Setting over-sized scope | SpotBugs: SF_SWITCH_NO_DEFAULT | issue link | await confirmation |
False positive bugs in the examined static bug finders | P12. Setting over-sized scope | PMD: AvoidCallingFinalize | issue link | fixed |
False positive bugs in the examined static bug finders | P13. Neglecting corner case | PMD: MissingBreakInSwitch | issue link | fixed |
False positive bugs in the examined static bug finders | P13. Neglecting corner case | PMD: AvoidReassigningLoopVariables | issue link | confirmed/won't fix |