Manage Discord's webhook with a simple class
npm install simple-discord-wh
const { Webhook } = require('simple-discord-wh');
const wh = new Webhook("YOUR WEBHOOK URL");
const IMAGE_URL = ''
wh.setUsername('Simple Webhook');
wh.send("Hello there"!);
wh.send({content: "This is also valid"})
.then((messageId) => {
wh.edit(messageId, "Hello there! This message has been edited.");
.catch(err => console.log(err.message));
const { Webhook, Embed } = require('simple-discord-wh');
const wh = new Webhook("YOUR WEBHOOK URL");
const embed = new Embed()
.setTitle('Custom title')
.setAuthor('Walrus', '', '')
.addField('First field', 'this is inline', true)
.addField('Second field', 'this is not inline')
.setDescription('The walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) is a large flippered marine mammal')
.setFooter('Hey its a footer', '')
The webhook can be sent with one of the following lines:
wh.send(["This will also include a text", embed])
wh.send({embeds: []})
const { Webhook } = require('simple-discord-wh');
const wh = new Webhook('YOUR WEBHOOK URL');
simple-discord-wh is a promise based library, which means you can use .catch
, .then
, and await
. If successful when sending a new message, the returned value will be the id of the message sent. For example:
const { Webhook } = require('simple-discord-wh');
const wh = new Webhook("YOUR WEBHOOK URL");
wh.send("Hello there!")
.then(() => console.log('Sent webhook successfully!'))
.catch(err => console.log(err.message));
or using async:
const { Webhook } = require('simple-discord-wh');
const wh = new Webhook("YOUR WEBHOOK URL");
(async () => {
try {
const messageId = await wh.send('Hello there!');
console.log('Successfully sent webhook!');
console.log('New message id:', messageId)
- url : string
- setUsername(username : string) returns this
- setAvatar(avatarURL : string (image url)) returns this
- async sendFile(filePath : string)
- async send(payload : string/Embed/object) returns messageId
- async edit(messageId : integer, payload: string/Embed)
- async delete(messageId : integer)
- setAuthor(author: string, authorImage (optional) : string (image url), authorUrl (optional) : string (link))
- setTitle(title: string)
- setURL(url: string)
- setDescription(description : string)
- setColor(color : string/number (hex or decimal color))
- setThumbnail(thumbnail : string (image url), proxyImage (optional) : string (proxy image url), height (optional) : integer, width (optional) : integer)
- setImage(image : string (image url), proxyImage (optional) : string (proxy image url), height (optional) : integer, width (optional) : integer)
- setVideo(video : string (video url), proxyVideo (optional) : string (proxy video url), height (optional) : integer, width (optional) : integer)
- setTimestamp(date (optional) : number/date object)
- addField(fieldName : string, fieldValue: string, inline (optional) : boolean)
- setFooter(footer : string, footerImage (optional) : string (image url), footerProxyImage (optional) : string (proxy image url))
- setProvider(name : string, url : string (url))
- build()