Unofficial Pokemon interactive map, with a mobile & tablet friendly design. Any contributions, suggestions, bug reports, etc are welcome.
you can
- right click on Items to hide them - so you know what you already collected
- add Notes to the Map, use the note button on the right side
- Export and Import your "marked" and own Infos
- see all dens
- responsive Design, view the Map on any Device + [Add to Homescreen]
- and on Desktop for IE/Edge and Chrome
- also works one Xbox One in [Snap mode]
- you can share Locations by clicking on them and then copy the url
- or by right clicking on a unmarked spot on the map
ToDo: *everything
Created by untamed0. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA. With help from mcarver and the other contributors.
The Pokemon logo, icons & map are the property of Nintendo and are used without permission.
This software uses the following libraries developed by third parties, and are licenced seperately;
- jQuery (MIT)
- jQuery.NiceScroll (MIT)
- Leaflet (BSD2)
- Leaflet.label (MIT)
- Leaflet-hash (MIT)
- Leaflet.fullscreen (BSD2)
- Leaflet Control Search (MIT)
- Leaflet.EasyButton (MIT)
- FileSaver.js (MIT)
- Font Awesome (MIT)