ℹ️ A profitable trading bot using Python and Poloniex API.
ℹ️In this repository you can find :
- Parts of the code
- A sample of the data that can be used for applying the pipeline on
- The full report of the project, in pdf
ℹ️ Example of the application of the pipeline of 2h BTC_USDT historical data :
ℹ️ A series of articles written related to this pipeline :
- I/IV : https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/i-a-turnkey-python-code-for-creating-a-stock-forecasting-dataset-ad25f673f3b7
- II/IV : https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/ii-forecasting-crypto-tendencies-with-deep-learning-in-python-5948909617db
- III/IV : https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/iii-creating-profitable-trading-strategies-1858a2fc8b85
- IV/IV : https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/iv-deploy-a-poloniex-trading-bot-c3af87eba48c
ℹ️ Please report any bug/issue in the issues section or directly at [email protected]. Any feedback is really appreciated 💬 👍.
BTC : 3PkoHLXmXsL8kBrFu7GQ8kpmzPBmNK6m8B
ETH : 0xFdbB5aF291cB7e711D62c1E4a8B58d0EbD423F9C