Like Less but without inventing a new language.
GrooCSS lets you code your CSS in Groovy, using a natural Groovy DSL.
It was created by Adam L. Davis (@adamldavis) and inspired by the many other Groovy-based projects out there, like Gradle, Grails, Spock, Ratpack, and grooscript.
- DSL similar to CSS but with camel-case and some modifications to make it valid Groovy.
- Keyframes, media, charset, and font-face support.
- Automatically adds -webkit, -ms, -moz, -o extensions! (configurable)
- Color support with rgb, rgba, hex, named colors, and several color changing methods (mix, tint, shade, saturate, etc.)
- Minimization (compress)
- Support for transforms directly (transformX, etc),
- Math functions (sqrt, sin, cos, toRadians, etc.) and built-in Measurement math.
- Unit methods (unit, getUnit, convert)
- Ability to extend style-groups and add internal groups.
- Pseudo-classes in DSL (nthChild, etc.)
- Multiple ways to configure: Config.builder() or using withConfig
- Close to CSS syntax using getAt, putAt, operator-overloading, underscore, methodMissing, and propertyMissing
- Translator to convert from existing CSS.
- Available pretty print (using Config)
- Ability to create and reuse groups of styles using styles{} syntax.
- Methods for getting an image's width, height, or size.
- Validates some values by default and can be configured with custom validators and/or processors.
- Uses Groovy extension modules
Uses Spock for testing. Well tested.
Apache 2 licensed. Open Source.
Check out the website for more info.