Extract data from scientific articles (PDF)
This is a sub-project of the AdvancedAcademicProject
The project configuration holds in the settings/config.toml file
sudo docker run -p 9000:8080 williamafonso/pdfextractor:latest
By default, the entrypoint of the function will be: http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations
So you can request it locally, for instance from a terminal:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" -d "{\"uri\":\"http://arxiv.org/pdf/cs/9308101v1\",\"title\":\"DynamicBacktracking\",\"authors\":[\"M.L.Ginsberg\"]}"
You should obtain the following answer:
{"status": 200, "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "message": "Success", "body": {"uri": "http://arxiv.org/pdf/cs/9308101v1", "authors": ["M.L.Ginsberg"], "title": "DynamicBacktracking", "references": [{"authors": ["Bruynooghe, M."]}, {"authors": ["Information Processing Letters, 12(1), 36{39. de Kleer, J."]}, {"authors": ["Information Processing Letters, 12(1), 36{39. de Kleer, J."]}, {"authors": ["Dechter, R.", "Meiri, I."]}, {"authors": ["Gaschnig, J."]}, {"authors": ["Ginsberg, M. L.", "Frank, M.", "Halpin, M. P.", "Torrance, M. C."]}, {"authors": ["Ginsberg, M. L.", "Harvey, W. D."]}, {"authors": ["Jonsson, A. K.", "Ginsberg, M. L."]}, {"authors": ["McAllester, D. A."]}, {"authors": ["Minton, S.", "Johnston, M. D.", "Philips, A. B.", "Laird, P."]}, {"authors": ["P. Purdom, C. B.", "Robertson, E."]}, {"authors": ["Seidel, R."]}, {"authors": ["Selman, B.", "Levesque, H.", "Mitchell, D."]}, {"authors": ["Smith, D. E.", "Genesereth, M. R."]}, {"authors": ["Stallman, R. M.", "Sussman, G. J."]}, {"authors": ["Zabih, R."]}, {"authors": ["Zabih, R.", "McAllester, D. A."]}]}}
In a terminal, run the following command:
git clone https://github.com/will-afs/PDFExtractor.git
For the following, the working directory will be the root of this folder:
cd PDFExtractor/
Add the working directory to the Python PATH environment variable:
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
Create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv .venv
Activate the virtual environment:
source .venv/bin/activate
Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the main python file:
python src.core.pdf_extractor.py
The tests are placed in the tests folder. They can be ran with pytests, as follows:
python -m pytest tests
To build a Docker image :
sudo docker build --tag pdfextractor .
Or if you want to be able to push it to your DockerHub:
sudo docker build --tag <your_docker_username>/pdfextractor .
Pushing the Docker image to your registry :
sudo docker push <your_docker_user_name>/pdfextractor
You can now run the Docker image locally as a container :
sudo docker run -p 9000:8080 pdfextractor:latest
Connect to AWS via your web browser
Create a Container Registry for this project, and retrieve its URI and region. For example:
From your CLI, make sure your AWS CLI is correctly configured (sudo is needed here if you need to run the following commands as sudo):
sudo aws configure
Retrieve an AWS authentication token and authenticate your Docker client to your registry:
sudo aws ecr get-login-password --region <your_region> | sudo docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <your_ecr_uri>
Make sure you have build a Docker image for the application (see how above)
After the build is complete, tag your image so you can push the image to your AWS ECR:
sudo docker tag <your_docker_username>/pdfextractor:latest <your_ecr_uri>
Push your docker image to your AWS ECR. Example:
sudo docker push <your_ecr_uri>/pdfextractor:latest
Create an AWS Lambda function, selecting Lambda from "image"
Add a VPC to AWS Lambda to enable it communicating with other applications from within (ArXivParser). You might need to edit the Lambda-role by adding a new policy (e.g. AmazonEC2FullAccess).
Now test it with the following request body:
"uri": "http://arxiv.org/pdf/cs/9308102v1",
"title": "Dynamic Backtracking",
"authors": [
"M. L. Ginsberg"
Create a trigger:
- "API Gateway"
- API: "Create an API"
- API type: "REST API"
- Security: "Open"
- Create a new role 'BasicLambdaRole'
Once the trigger is created, select it, create a POST method for this ressource, and deploy the API
If Lambda integration is selected, unselect it
You should now be able to test the API from the AWS console (use the request body provided above)
Now, deploy the API
And configure the Security Group attached to the VPC so that the API can be reached from the internet
Create an API key and bind it to the API Gateway so that the API can only be accessed by clients in possession of the key
You should now be able to test the API from a CLI. For example:
curl -H "apikey: <your_api_key>" -X POST "<your_api_gateway_uri>" -d "{\"uri\":\"http://arxiv.org/pdf/cs/9308101v1\",\"title\":\"DynamicBacktracking\",\"authors\":[\"M.L.Ginsberg\"]}"