Purtle is a fast, lightweight RDF generator. It provides a "fluent" interface for generating RDF output in Turtle, JSON-LD, XML/RDF or N-Triples. The fluent interface allows the resulting PHP code to be structured just like Turtle notation for RDF, hence the name: "Purtle" is a contraction of "PHP Turtle".
The concrete classes implementing the common RdfWriter
interface are:
outputs TurtleJsonLdRdfWriter
outputs JSON-LDXmlRdfWriter
outputs XML/RDFNTriplesRdfWriter
outputs N-Triples
The PHP code would look something like this:
$writer = new TurtleRdfWriter();
$writer->prefix( 'acme', 'http://acme.test/terms/' );
$writer->about( 'http://quux.test/Something' )
->a( 'acme', 'Thing' )
->say( 'acme', 'name' )->text( 'Thingy' )->text( 'Dingsda', 'de' )
->say( 'acme', 'owner' )->is( 'http://quux.test/' );