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Fix 狼人杀
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wifi-left committed Jan 26, 2025
1 parent 04d0948 commit 4dfbc67
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Showing 118 changed files with 57 additions and 51 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.yml
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value: |
* 该问题确实是 **MiniGames 地图 的错误**,而**不算服务端的问题**。如果实在不确定,也可以直接发 Issue 询问。
* 该问题确实是 **wifi-left's MiniGames 地图 的错误**,而**不算服务端的问题**。如果实在不确定,也可以直接发 Issue 询问。
* 你的地图版本是**最新的版本**。
如果你的问题并不属于上述两类,你可以选取另一种 Issue 类型,或者直接前往官方QQ群进行反馈:958572618
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# MiniGames
# wifi-left's MiniGames
1. 请不要删除任何原作者信息
2. 如果进行修改请添加明显提示
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# return 0
team join boat @s
title @s reset
tellraw @a [{"selector":"@s"},"\u00a7a 加入了\u00a79冰船游戏\u00a7a。"]
title @s title ["\u00a79冰船游戏"]
tellraw @a [{"selector":"@s"},"\u00a7a 加入了\u00a79竞速游戏\u00a7a。"]
title @s title ["\u00a79竞速游戏"]
title @s subtitle ["\u00a7bIce Boat Game"]
tellraw @s ["\u00a79\u00a7l冰船游戏\n\n\u00a76\u00a7l Idea from: \u00a7b\u00a7lDomnick_JYH \u00a7a&\u00a7b wifi_left\n"]
tellraw @s ["\u00a79\u00a7l竞速游戏\n\n\u00a76\u00a7l Idea from: \u00a7b\u00a7lDomnick_JYH \u00a7a&\u00a7b wifi_left\n"]
# execute in minecraft:boatworld run tp @s -142 -56 -42 180 0
execute in minecraft:boatworld2 run tp @s -12 146 -43 0 0
playsound entity.player.levelup player @s ~ ~ ~ 10 1 1
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## Datapack Upgrader v1.0.0 by wifi_left
## If you encounter a problem, make an issue on
team modify boat prefix ["\u00a7c[O]\u00a79 冰船\u00a78 | "]
tellraw @a ["\u00a79\u00a7l冰船游戏\u00a7a游戏结束。"]
team modify boat prefix ["\u00a7c[O]\u00a79 竞速\u00a78 | "]
tellraw @a ["\u00a79\u00a7l竞速游戏\u00a7a游戏结束。"]
forceload add -32 88 -102 313
function boat/over/listname
gamemode spectator @a[team=boat,gamemode=!creative]
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## Datapack Upgrader v1.0.0 by wifi_left
## If you encounter a problem, make an issue on
team modify boat prefix ["\u00a7a[W]\u00a79 冰船\u00a78 | "]
team modify boat prefix ["\u00a7a[W]\u00a79 竞速\u00a78 | "]

scoreboard players reset @e[tag=boat]
kill @e[tag=boat]
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scoreboard players remove boat.start board 1
execute if score boat.start board matches 1.. run tellraw @a[team=boat] ["\u00a7e游戏即将在",{"score":{"name": "boat.start","objective": "board"},"color":"red"},"\u00a7e秒后开始。"]
execute if score boat.start board matches 1.. run title @a[team=boat] title ["\u00a79\u00a7l冰船游戏 Ice Boat Game"]
execute if score boat.start board matches 1.. run title @a[team=boat] title ["\u00a79\u00a7l竞速游戏 Ice Boat Game"]
execute if score boat.start board matches 1.. run title @a[team=boat] subtitle ["\u00a7e游戏即将在",{"score":{"name": "boat.start","objective": "board"},"color":"red"},"\u00a7e秒后开始"]
execute as @a[team=boat] at @s run playsound minecraft:block.note_block.pling player @s -62 160 -98 5 1 1

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Expand Up @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ forceload add -32 88 -102 313
fill -76 141 295 -89 135 294 cobblestone_wall keep
scoreboard players set boat.state state 2
execute as @a[team=boat] at @s run playsound player @s ~ ~ ~ 5 2 1
title @a[team=boat] title ["\u00a79\u00a9\u00a7l 冰船游戏 Ice Boat Game"]
title @a[team=boat] title ["\u00a79\u00a9\u00a7l 竞速游戏 Ice Boat Game"]
# execute if score boat.type state matches 1 run
team modify boat prefix ["\u00a7e[R]\u00a79 冰船\u00a78 | "]
team modify boat prefix ["\u00a7e[R]\u00a79 竞速\u00a78 | "]

execute if score boat.type board matches ..1 run title @a[team=boat] subtitle ["\u00a7a游戏即将开始,请各位乘坐上\u00a7b冰船"]
execute if score boat.type board matches ..1 run title @a[team=boat] subtitle ["\u00a7a游戏即将开始,请各位乘坐上\u00a7b竞速"]
execute if score boat.type board matches 2 run title @a[team=boat] subtitle ["\u00a7a游戏即将开始,请各位乘坐上\u00a7d猪"]
execute if score boat.type board matches 3 run title @a[team=boat] subtitle ["\u00a7a游戏即将开始,请各位乘坐上\u00a7c炽足兽"]
execute if score boat.type board matches 4 run title @a[team=boat] subtitle ["\u00a7a游戏即将开始,请各位准备\u00a76赛跑"]
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ fill -76 141 295 -89 135 294 air replace cobblestone_wall

execute as @a[team=boat] at @s run playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup player @s ~ ~ ~ 5 1 1
execute as @a[team=boat] at @s run playsound minecraft:block.note_block.pling player @s ~ ~ ~ 5 2 1
team modify boat prefix ["\u00a76[P]\u00a79 冰船\u00a78 | "]
team modify boat prefix ["\u00a76[P]\u00a79 竞速\u00a78 | "]
scoreboard players set number boat.rounds 0
scoreboard players set boat.state state 1

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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
tellraw @s ["\n\u00a7a\u00a7l ※ 无尽狼夜"]
tellraw @s [""]
tellraw @s ["\u00a761. \u00a7b游戏开始后,随机玩家成为狼人。"]
tellraw @s ["\u00a762. \u00a7b只有狼人会拥有武器,普通玩家只能在地图中寻找道具。"]
tellraw @s ["\u00a763. \u00a7b狼人在落日后会获得一把武器,剑不可放入容器或者丢弃。日出后铁剑会回收。"]
tellraw @s ["\u00a764. \u00a7b如果有普通玩家击杀了一名玩家,会死亡(无论是谁)"]
tellraw @s ["\u00a765. \u00a7b玩家击杀死亡后,会进入旁观者模式。"]
tellraw @s ["\u00a766. \u00a7b狼人击杀人后,物品会回收,并且冷却60秒"]
tellraw @s ["\u00a767. \u00a7b最后一名活着的玩家获胜。"]
tellraw @s [""]
tellraw @s ["\u00a77 - wifi-left's MiniGames"]
tellraw @s [""]
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ scoreboard players operation @e[tag=wolf.sel,limit=1] LRS_UUID = @s park.uuid
tag @e[tag=wolf.sel] add wolf.used
tag @e[tag=wolf.sel] remove wolf.knight
tag @s add wolf.sell
execute as @e[tag=wolf.sel] at @s run summon text_display ~ ~1.8 ~ {billboard:"vertical",Tags:["wolf.nametags"],text:'[{"selector":"@a[tag=wolf.sell]"}]'}
execute as @e[tag=wolf.sel] at @s run summon text_display ~ ~1.8 ~ {alignment:"center",billboard:"vertical",Tags:["wolf.nametags"],text:'[{"selector":"@a[tag=wolf.sell]"}]'}
execute as @e[tag=wolf.sel] at @s run summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~-0.5 ~ {Invulnerable:1b,NoAI:1b,Silent:1b,NoGravity:1b,Invisible:true,ShowArms:true,NoBasePlate:true,DisabledSlots:2039583,ArmorItems:[{id:"minecraft:leather_boots",count:1},{id:"minecraft:leather_leggings",count:1},{id:"minecraft:leather_chestplate",count:1},{id:"minecraft:player_head",count:1}],Tags:["","wolf.nametags"],Marker:true,Glowing:1b}
item modify entity @e[] armor.head gethead
tag @s remove wolf.sell
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tag @s add wolf.sell1
execute as @e[tag=wolf.used] if score @s LRS_UUID = @a[tag=wolf.sell1,limit=1] park.uuid run tag @s add wolf.selll
execute as @e[tag=wolf.selll] at @s as @e[type=armor_stand,limit=1,sort=nearest,distance=0..1] run tag @s add wolf.sell
# say @e[tag=wolf.selll] @e[tag=wolf.sell]
scoreboard players set wolf.tmp board 0
execute as @e[tag=wolf.sell] store result score wolf.tmp board run data get entity @s ArmorItems[2].tag.selcount
execute as @e[tag=wolf.sell] store result score wolf.tmp board run data get entity @s ArmorItems[2].components."minecraft:custom_data".selcount

execute if score wolf.tmp board matches ..0 as @e[tag=wolf.sell] run item replace entity @s armor.chest with leather_chestplate[dyed_color={rgb:64659},custom_data={selcount:1}]
# scoreboard players set wolf.tmp board 0

execute if score wolf.tmp board matches 1 as @e[tag=wolf.sell] run item replace entity @s armor.chest with leather_chestplate[dyed_color={rgb:15465472},custom_data={selcount:2}]
execute if score wolf.tmp board matches ..0 as @e[tag=wolf.sell] run data modify entity @s ArmorItems[2] set value {id:"leather_chestplate",components:{"minecraft:dyed_color":{rgb:64659},"minecraft:custom_data":{selcount:1}}}
# leather_chestplate[dyed_color={rgb:64659},custom_data={selcount:1}]
execute if score wolf.tmp board matches 1 as @e[tag=wolf.sell] run data modify entity @s ArmorItems[2] set value {id:"leather_chestplate",components:{"minecraft:dyed_color":{rgb:15465472},"minecraft:custom_data":{selcount:2}}}
# item replace entity @s armor.chest with leather_chestplate[dyed_color={rgb:15465472},custom_data={selcount:2}]

execute if score wolf.tmp board matches 2 as @e[tag=wolf.sell] run item replace entity @s armor.chest with leather_chestplate[dyed_color={rgb:51964},custom_data={selcount:3}]
execute if score wolf.tmp board matches 2 as @e[tag=wolf.sell] run data modify entity @s ArmorItems[2] set value {id:"leather_chestplate",components:{"minecraft:dyed_color":{rgb:51964},"minecraft:custom_data":{selcount:3}}}
# item replace entity @s armor.chest with leather_chestplate[dyed_color={rgb:51964},custom_data={selcount:3}]

execute if score wolf.tmp board matches 3.. as @e[tag=wolf.sell] run item replace entity @s armor.chest with leather_chestplate[dyed_color={rgb:16515227},custom_data={selcount:4}]
execute if score wolf.tmp board matches 3.. as @e[tag=wolf.sell] run data modify entity @s ArmorItems[2] set value {id:"leather_chestplate",components:{"minecraft:dyed_color":{rgb:16515227},"minecraft:custom_data":{selcount:4}}}
# item replace entity @s armor.chest with leather_chestplate[dyed_color={rgb:16515227},custom_data={selcount:4}]
# execute as @e[tag=wolf.selll] run say 1

# say 1
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## Datapack Upgrader v1.0.0 by wifi_left
## If you encounter a problem, make an issue on
execute as @s at @s as @e[type=armor_stand,limit=1,sort=nearest,distance=0..1] run item replace entity @s armor.chest with leather_chestplate[]
execute as @s at @s as @e[type=armor_stand,limit=1,sort=nearest,distance=0..1] run data modify entity @s ArmorItems[2] set value {id:"leather_chestplate",count:1}
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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## Datapack Upgrader v1.0.0 by wifi_left
## If you encounter a problem, make an issue on
execute as @e[tag=wolf.used] at @s as @e[type=armor_stand,limit=1,sort=nearest,distance=0..1] run item replace entity @s armor.chest with leather_chestplate[]
execute as @e[tag=wolf.used] at @s as @e[type=armor_stand,limit=1,sort=nearest,distance=0..1] run data modify entity @s ArmorItems[2] set value {id:"leather_chestplate",count:1}
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,14 +13,15 @@ execute if score @a[tag=wolf.selected,limit=1] LRS_JOB matches 4 as @a[tag=wolf.
execute if score @a[tag=wolf.selected,limit=1] LRS_JOB matches 7 run tellraw @a[tag=wolf.tip] ["\u00a7e\u00a7l骑士与他不分上下,对方是炸弹人。\n骑士和炸弹人都死了。"]
execute if score @a[tag=wolf.selected,limit=1] LRS_JOB matches 7 run function twolf/action/per/death/knight_died
execute if score @a[tag=wolf.selected,limit=1] LRS_JOB matches 7 as @a[tag=wolf.selected] run function twolf/action/per/death/boom_died

# say next
execute unless score @a[tag=wolf.selected,limit=1] LRS_JOB matches 4 unless score @a[tag=wolf.selected,limit=1] LRS_JOB matches 7 run tellraw @a[tag=wolf.tip] ["\u00a7c\u00a7l骑士输了,对方是好人。"]
execute unless score @a[tag=wolf.selected,limit=1] LRS_JOB matches 4 unless score @a[tag=wolf.selected,limit=1] LRS_JOB matches 7 run function twolf/action/per/death/knight_died
# execute as @a[tag=wolf.selected] run function twolf/action/per/death/died
# say next#2

# tag @a[tag=wolf.selected] add wolf.protected
execute if score @a[tag=wolf.selected,limit=1] LRS_JOB matches 4 run function twolf/action/special_day_night
execute if score @a[tag=wolf.selected,limit=1] LRS_JOB matches 7 run function twolf/action/special_day_night
# function twolf/events/event_over
execute unless score @a[tag=wolf.selected,limit=1] LRS_JOB matches 4 unless score @a[tag=wolf.selected,limit=1] LRS_JOB matches 7 run function twolf/action/special_day_back

# say fin
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,12 @@ execute if score wolf.cupid.type board matches 0..1 unless score twolf.state sta
execute unless score twolf.state state matches 3 if score wolf.cupid.type board matches 2 if score wolf.mode board matches 2 if score wolf.r.tnt board matches ..0 if score wolf.r.good board matches ..0 if score wolf.r.cupids board matches ..0 run function minecraft:twolf/over/bad
execute unless score twolf.state state matches 3 if score wolf.cupid.type board matches 2 if score wolf.mode board matches 2 if score wolf.r.tnt board matches 1.. if score wolf.r.bad board matches ..0 if score wolf.r.cupids board matches ..0 run function minecraft:twolf/over/boom
execute unless score twolf.state state matches 3 if score wolf.cupid.type board matches 2 if score wolf.mode board matches 2 if score wolf.r.tnt board matches ..0 if score wolf.r.good board matches ..0 if score wolf.r.cupids board matches 1.. run function minecraft:twolf/over/cupid
execute unless score twolf.state state matches 3 if score wolf.cupid.type board matches 2 if score wolf.mode board matches 2 if score wolf.r.tnt board matches ..0 if score wolf.r.good board matches ..1 if score wolf.r.bad board matches ..1 if score wolf.r.cupids board matches 1.. run function minecraft:twolf/over/cupid

scoreboard players set wolf.judge.tmp.cupid board 0
execute if entity @a[tag=wolf.connected,gamemode=adventure,scores={LRS_JOB=4}] run scoreboard players set wolf.judge.tmp.cupid board 1

execute unless score twolf.state state matches 3 if score wolf.cupid.type board matches 2 if score wolf.mode board matches 2 if score wolf.r.tnt board matches ..0 if score wolf.r.good board matches ..1 if score wolf.r.bad board matches ..1 if score wolf.judge.tmp.cupid board matches 1 if score wolf.r.cupids board matches 1.. run function minecraft:twolf/over/cupid
execute unless score twolf.state state matches 3 if score wolf.cupid.type board matches 2 if score wolf.mode board matches 2 if score wolf.r.tnt board matches ..0 if score wolf.r.good board matches ..1 if score wolf.r.bad board matches ..0 if score wolf.r.cupids board matches 1.. run function minecraft:twolf/over/cupid
execute unless score twolf.state state matches 3 if score wolf.cupid.type board matches 2 if entity @a[tag=wolf.connected,scores={LRS_JOB=7}] if score wolf.mode board matches 2 if score wolf.r.good board matches ..0 if score wolf.r.good board matches ..0 unless entity @a[tag=wolf.tip,gamemode=adventure,scores={LRS_JOB=4},tag=!wolf.connected] run function minecraft:twolf/over/cupid

# 屠边
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Expand Up @@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ summon marker 0 10 0 {Tags:["random_game","neww"],CustomName:'"\\u00a7c烫手的
scoreboard players set @e[tag=neww] board 9
tag @e[tag=neww] remove neww
# Pool War
summon marker 0 10 0 {Tags:["random_game","neww"],CustomName:'"\\u00a76高尔夫"'}
scoreboard players set @e[tag=neww] board 10
tag @e[tag=neww] remove neww
# summon marker 0 10 0 {Tags:["random_game","neww"],CustomName:'"\\u00a76高尔夫"'}
# scoreboard players set @e[tag=neww] board 10
# tag @e[tag=neww] remove neww
# TNT Wars
summon marker 0 10 0 {Tags:["random_game","neww"],CustomName:'"\\u00a7cTNT Wars"'}
scoreboard players set @e[tag=neww] board 11
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ tellraw @s ["\n\u00a76 ※ 快速加入游戏 ※ \u00a7b游戏ID列表:\n"]
# \n\u00a7a2 \u00a77- \u00a7bBattle Box\n\u00a7a3 \u00a77- \u00a7b信仰方块\n\u00a7a4 \u00a77- \u00a7b冰船\n\u00a7a5 \u00a77- \u00a7b赛车\n\u00a7a6 \u00a77- \u00a7b色盲大战\n\u00a7a7 \u00a77- \u00a7b星跳水立方\n\u00a7a8 \u00a77- \u00a7b战桥\n\u00a7a9 \u00a77- \u00a7b高尔夫\n\u00a7a10 \u00a77- \u00a7b躲猫猫(道具)\n\u00a7a11 \u00a77- \u00a7b躲猫猫(方块)\n\u00a7a12 \u00a77- \u00a7b烫手的山芋\n\u00a7a13 \u00a77- \u00a7b饥饿游戏\n\u00a7a14 \u00a77- \u00a7b职业战争\n\u00a7a15 \u00a77- \u00a7b密室杀手\n\u00a7a16 \u00a77- \u00a7bLive Longest\n\u00a7a17 \u00a77- \u00a7b关卡跑酷\n\u00a7a18 \u00a77- \u00a7b冬泳怪鸽\n\u00a7a19 \u00a77- \u00a7b棋类游戏\n\u00a7a20 \u00a77- \u00a7b狼人杀\n\u00a7a21 \u00a77- \u00a7b小游戏合集\n\u00a7a22 \u00a77- \u00a7bSnow\n\u00a7a23 \u00a77- \u00a7bTNT Wars\n\u00a7a24 \u00a77- \u00a7bZombie Days(PVE)\n\u00a7a25 \u00a77- \u00a7b生存游戏\n\u00a7a26 \u00a77- \u00a7b起床战争\n
function minecraft:lobby/quickplay_info {id:2,name:"Battle Box",color:b}
function minecraft:lobby/quickplay_info {id:3,name:"信仰方块",color:b}
function minecraft:lobby/quickplay_info {id:4,name:"冰船",color:b}
function minecraft:lobby/quickplay_info {id:4,name:"竞速",color:b}
function minecraft:lobby/quickplay_info {id:5,name:"高尔夫",color:b}
function minecraft:lobby/quickplay_info {id:6,name:"色盲大战",color:b}
function minecraft:lobby/quickplay_info {id:7,name:"星跳水立方",color:b}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion datapacks/map_main/data/minecraft/function/main.mcfunction
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Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ execute as @a[tag=NEWENTER] at @s run tag @s add map.old
execute as @a[tag=NEWENTER] at @s run function lobby/cleartags
title @a[tag=NEWENTER] title ["\u00a7a\u00a7lMini\u00a7e\u00a7lGames"]
title @a[tag=NEWENTER] subtitle ["\u00a76You're in \u00a7dMain Lobby"]
title @a[tag=NEWENTER] actionbar ["\u00a7aWelcome to the map!"]
title @a[tag=NEWENTER] actionbar ["\u00a7aMade by wifi-left"]
tellraw @a[tag=NEWENTER] ["\n\u00a7a 您可以随时使用 \u00a76/trigger hub \u00a7a返回大厅。\n \u00a7a全局音乐可以通过\u00a76游戏设置 - 声音设置 - 玩家语音\u00a7a调节声音大小\n \u00a7e部分游戏支持使用 \u00a76/trigger rejoin\u00a7e 重新加入退出的游戏!\n\n\u00a7b 下载资源包:",{"text":"\u00a7d\u00a7n[GitLab](推荐)","underlined": true,"clickEvent": {"action":"open_url","value": ""}}," ",{"underlined": true,"text":"\u00a7e\u00a7n[GitHub](备用)","clickEvent": {"action":"open_url","value": ""}},"\n"]
execute as @a[tag=NEWENTER] run attribute @s max_health base set 20

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ forceload add 597 -45 714 1
tellraw @a[team=play.zombie] ["\u00a7e亚奇洛贝:\u00a7f听说,冈里丝戴布先生很喜欢\u00a7e把贵重物品藏在自己的\u00a7d樱花树花园\u00a7e当中\u00a7f。"]
tellraw @a[team=play.zombie] ["\n\u00a7b收到任务 \u00a7a",{"color":"green","text":"[寻找钥匙]","hoverEvent": {"action": "show_text","contents": [{"text":"\u00a7f寻找打开要塞的钥匙,并顺便打开冈里丝戴布的宅门。\n\n\u00a77温馨提示:存放东西的箱子并不会上锁。"}]}},"\u00a7a\n"]

execute as @e[] at @s run data merge block ~ ~ ~ {Items:[],lock:{components:{custom_name:'"娃娃的wer114514"'}},CustomName:'"\\u00a7r箱子"'}
execute as @e[] at @s run data merge block ~ ~ ~ {Items:[],lock:{items:["minecraft:bedrock"],components:{"minecraft:custom_name":'"娃娃的wer114514"'}},CustomName:'"\\u00a7r箱子"'}

execute as @e[,limit=1,sort=random] at @s run data merge block ~ ~ ~ {Items:[{id:"minecraft:tripwire_hook",count:1,components:{"minecraft:custom_name":'"\\u00a7e地牢钥匙"',"minecraft:lore":['"\\u00a77用于打开地牢的钥匙"'],"minecraft:custom_data":{lock:2}},Slot:13}],lock:{},CustomName:'"\\u00a77貌似另外一个钥匙藏在樱花花园的角落里?"'}

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Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/airworld/data/chunks.dat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/airworld/data/raids.dat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/airworld/poi/r.-1.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/airworld/poi/r.-1.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/airworld/region/r.0.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/airworld/region/r.0.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/bedwars_backup/data/raids.dat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/boatworld2/data/raids.dat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/boatworld2/entities/r.-1.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/boatworld2/poi/r.-1.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/boatworld2/region/r.-1.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/boatworld2/region/r.-1.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/boatworld2/region/r.0.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/boatworld2/region/r.0.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/dropperworld/data/raids.dat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/golfworld/data/raids.dat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/hungerworld/data/raids.dat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/killerworld/data/raids.dat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/killerworld/entities/r.0.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/killerworld/poi/r.0.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/killerworld/region/r.-1.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/killerworld/region/r.-1.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/killerworld/region/r.0.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/killerworld/region/r.0.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/data/raids.dat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/entities/r.-1.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/entities/r.0.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/entities/r.0.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/poi/r.-1.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/poi/r.0.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/poi/r.0.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/region/r.-1.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/region/r.-1.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/region/r.-1.1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/region/r.0.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/region/r.0.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/region/r.0.3.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/region/r.1.3.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/lobby/region/r.2.3.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified dimensions/minecraft/parkourworld/data/raids.dat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified entities/r.-1.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified entities/r.-1.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified entities/r.-1.1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified entities/r.-2.1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified entities/r.0.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified entities/r.0.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified entities/r.1.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified level.dat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified poi/r.-1.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified poi/r.-1.1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Empty file added poi/r.-1.2.mca
Empty file.
Empty file added poi/r.-2.2.mca
Empty file.
Binary file modified poi/r.0.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified poi/r.0.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified poi/r.1.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified poi/r.1.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified region/r.-1.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified region/r.-1.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified region/r.-1.1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added region/r.-1.2.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified region/r.-2.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified region/r.-2.1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added region/r.-2.2.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified region/r.0.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified region/r.0.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified region/r.0.1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified region/r.0.2.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified region/r.1.-1.mca
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified region/r.1.0.mca
Binary file not shown.
22 changes: 2 additions & 20 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ execute if score tmp.canset board matches 0 run return 0


# 烫手的山芋
# 道具竞速

# 无尽狼夜

Expand All @@ -37,28 +37,10 @@ execute if score tmp.canset board matches 0 run return 0
6. 狼人铁剑击杀人后,收回物品在bossbar上显示冷却60秒
7. 最后一名活着的/最后一名死亡的玩家胜利,以title显示

# 空战

## 战利品表

## 建筑地图协助

# 老虎机

# 棋类游戏


# Golf




# Food Party

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