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# Title Solution Solution Tag Note
1 Two Sum C++ python List
13 Roman to Integer C++ python String
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array C++ Array
28 Implement strStr() C++ String
53 Maximum Subarray C++ python Array CSDN
58 Length of Last Word c++ pyhton String
66 Plus One C++ python
70 Climbing Stairs C++ python DP
83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List C++ Linked List
101 Symmetric Tree C++ Tree
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree C++ Tree
110 Balanced Binary Tree C++ Tree
111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree C++ Tree
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock C++ DP
136 Single Number C++ python CSDN
169 Majority Element C++ python Array
171 Excel Sheet Column Number C++ python Array
189 Rotate Array C++ Array
190 Reverse Bits C++ Bits
191 Number of 1 Bits C++ Bits
202 Happy Number C++ python Math
204 Count Primes C++ python Math
206 Reverse Linked List C++ python Linked List
217 Contains Duplicate C++ Array
225 Implement Stack using Queues C++ stack
231 Power of Two C++ Bits
232 Implement Queue using Stacks C++ stack
234 Palindrome Linked List C++ python Linked List
237 Delete Node in a Linked List C++ Linked List
242 Valid Anagram C++ HashMap
258 Add Digits C++ python
344 Reverse String C++ python String
349 Intersection of Two Arrays C++ Arrays
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II C++ Arrays
371 Sum of Two Integers C++ python
389 Find the Difference C++ Bits
412 Fizz Buzz C++ python Sum of bit
415 Add Strings C++ BigDecimal
509 Fibonacci Number C++ Array
589 N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal C++ Tree
665 Non-decreasing Array C++ Array CSDN
674 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence C++ List
693 Binary Number with Alternating Bits C++ Bits
706 Design HashMap C++ python HashMap
771 Jewels and Stones C++ string
821 Shortest Distance to a Character C++ Array CSDN
892 Surface Area of 3D Shapes C++ Math


# Title Solution Solution Tag Note
2 Add Two Numbers C++ python Linked List
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters C++ python String
5 Longest Palindromic Substring C++ DP
8 String to Integer (atoi) C++ string
11 Container with Most Water C++ python Array
15 3sum C++ python Array
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List C++ Linked List
22 Generate Parentheses C++ Backtracking
31 Next Permutation C++ Array
39 Combination Sum C++ Backtracking
40 Combination Sum II C++ Backtracking
46 Permutations C++ python Backtracking
47 Permutations II C++ Backtracking
54 Spiral Matrix C++ python Array
56 Merge Intervals C++ Array
59 Spiral Matrix II C++ Array
62 Unique Paths C++ DP
77 Combinations C++ Backtracking
78 Subsets C++ Backtracking
79 Word Search C++ Backtracking
82 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II C++ Linked List
90 Subsets II C++ Backtracking
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal C++ Tree
96 Unique Binary Search Trees C++ Math
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal C++ Tree
137 Single Number II C++ Bit
144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal C++ Tree
152 Maximum Product Subarray C++ DP
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array C++ Array
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array C++ Heap
216 Combination Sum III C++ Backtracking
229 Majority Element II C++ Array
260 Single Number III C++ Backtracking
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence C++ DP
322 Coin Change C++ DP
338 Counting Bits C++ Bits
343 Integer Break C++ DP
386 Lexicographical Numbers C++ Math CSDN
416 Partition Equal Subset Sum C++ DP
452 Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons C++ Greedy
516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence C++ DP
647 Palindromic Substrings C++ DP
845 Longest Mountain in Array C++ Array CSDN
983 Minimum Cost For Tickets C++ DP
1143 Longest Common Subsequence C++ DP


# Title Solution Solution Tag Note
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays C++ python Array
123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III C++ Array
440 K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order C++ Math CSDN


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