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what3words w3w-android-wrapper

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An Android library to use the what3words v3 API.

Table of contents

Useful Links

what3words API documentation

Sign up and select a plan

Sample app



To integrate the library into your project, add the following dependency:

android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

repositories {

dependencies {


We deploy snapshot versions of the library to Sonatype's snapshot repository. These snapshots are generated after every merge to an Epic branch, providing an easy way to test the latest unreleased changes and upcoming updates without waiting for the next official version release.

To use snapshot versions in your project, add the snapshot repository to your Gradle script:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''

Then, update your dependencies to use the snapshot version:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.what3words:w3w-android-wrapper:4.0.0-SNAPSHOT'

The latest snapshot versions are available here.

Android Manifest

<manifest xmlns:android=""

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

    <!-- add if using voice api autosuggest -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />

Method Overview

This table offers a succinct overview of the methods available in this library along with their descriptions.

DataSource method Function Description
W3WApiTextDataSource create Create an instance of W3WApiTextDataSource with your API key and optional server endpoint.
W3WApiTextDataSource convertTo3wa Convert latitude and longitude to a what3words address.
W3WApiTextDataSource convertToCoordinates Convert a what3words address to latitude and longitude.
W3WApiTextDataSource autosuggest Get suggestions for a slightly incomplete what3words address.
W3WApiTextDataSource availableLanguages Retrieve a set of all available languages that what3words supports.
W3WApiTextDataSource gridSection Get a section of the 3m x 3m what3words grid for a bounding box and convert it into GeoJSON format.
W3WApiTextDataSource isValid3wa Checks if a possible what3words address is valid.
W3WApiVoiceDataSource create Create an instance of W3WApiVoiceDataSource with your API key and optional server endpoint.
W3WApiVoiceDataSource autosuggest Perform voice autosuggestion using a microphone input.
AutosuggestHelper update Update autosuggestion options dynamically.
AutosuggestHelper selected Retrieve the full what3words address once the user has selected a row from the RecyclerView without coordinates.
AutosuggestHelper selectedWithCoordinates Retrieve the full what3words address with coordinates once the user has selected a row from the RecyclerView.


This example demonstrates the usage of the library using Kotlin Coroutines. For a cleaner architecture or Java example, you can refer to our sample app.


The W3WApiTextDataSource class facilitates the conversion of coordinates to what3words addresses and vice versa, as well as providing suggestions for slightly incomplete what3words addresses.

Get the W3WApiTextDataSource

Create an instance of W3WApiTextDataSource via the factory method.

val textDataSource = W3WApiTextDataSource.create(context, "YOUR_API_KEY")

If you are running your own Enterprise Suite API Server, you can specify the URL to your server:

val textDataSource = W3WApiTextDataSource.create(context, "YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_SERVER_ENPOINT")

convertTo3wa example

This function will convert a latitude and longitude to a what3words address, in the language of your choice.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val coordinates = W3WCoordinates("51.2305", "-0.24123")
        val language = W3WRFC5646Language.EN_GB
        CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { 
            // Run to convert method in Dispatchers.IO   
            val result = textDataSource.convertTo3wa(coordinates, language)
            //Switch to Dispatcher.Main to update your views with the results if needed
            withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
                when (result) {
                    is W3WResult.Failure -> {
                        Log.e("MainActivity", "Error: ${result.message}")
                    is W3WResult.Success -> {
                        Log.d("MainActivity", "what3words address: ${result.value.address}")

convertToCoordinates example

This function converts a what3words address to a latitude and longitude.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val w3wAddress = "filled.count.soap"
        CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { 
            // Run to convert method in Dispatchers.IO   
            val result = textDataSource.convertToCoordinates(w3wAddress)
            //Switch to Dispatcher.Main to update your views with the results if needed
            withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
                when (result) {
                    is W3WResult.Failure -> {
                        Log.e("MainActivity", "Error: ${result.message}")
                    is W3WResult.Success -> {
                        Log.d("MainActivity", "Coordinates: ${}, ${}")

AutoSuggest example

AutoSuggest can take a slightly incorrect what3words address and suggest a list of valid what3words address.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val incompletedW3WAddress = ""
        CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { 
            // Run to auto suggest method in Dispatchers.IO   
            val result = textDataSource.autosuggest(incompletedW3WAddress)
            //Switch to Dispatcher.Main to update your views with the results if needed
            withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
                when (result) {
                    is W3WResult.Failure -> {
                        Log.e("MainActivity", "Error: ${result.message}")
                    is W3WResult.Success -> {
                        if (result.value.isNotEmpty()) {
                            Log.d("MainActivity", "Suggestions: ${result.value.joinToString { it.w3wAddress.address }}")
                        } else {
                            Log.d("MainActivity", "No suggestions found")

availableLanguages example

This method retrieves a set of all available languages that what3words is supporting.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { 
            // Run to availableLanguages method in Dispatchers.IO   
            val result = textDataSource.availableLanguages()
            //Switch to Dispatcher.Main to update your views with the results if needed
            withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
                when (result) {
                    is W3WResult.Failure -> {
                        Log.e("MainActivity", "Error: ${result.message}")
                    is W3WResult.Success -> { 
                        result.value.forEach {
                            Log.d("MainActivity", "languageCode: ${it.code} - locale: ${it.locale}")

gridSection example

Returns a section of the 3m x 3m what3words grid for a bounding box. The bounding box is specified by lat,lng,lat,lng as south,west,north,east. You then can convert the grid into GeoJSON format, making it very simple to display on a map.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { 
            // Run to gridSection method in Dispatchers.IO   
            val result = w3WApiTextDataSource.gridSection(
                W3WRectangle(W3WCoordinates(51.0, 0.0), W3WCoordinates(52.0, 0.1)))
            //Switch to Dispatcher.Main to update your views with the results if needed
            withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
                when (result) {
                    is W3WResult.Failure -> {
                        Log.e("MainActivity", "Error: ${result.message}")
                    is W3WResult.Success -> { 
                        val gridSection = result.value
                        // Convert to GeoJSON
                        val geoJsonString = gridSection.toGeoJSON()

isValid3wa example

This method checks if a possible what3words address is valid.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { 
            // Run to gridSection method in Dispatchers.IO   
            val result = w3WApiTextDataSource.isValid3wa("filled.count.soap")
            //Switch to Dispatcher.Main to update your views with the results if needed
            withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
                when (result) {
                    is W3WResult.Failure -> {
                        Log.e("MainActivity", "Error: ${result.message}")
                    is W3WResult.Success -> {
                      Log.d("MainActivity", "isValid: ${result.value}")


The W3WApiVoiceDataSource class allows searching for what3words addresses using voice input. Ensure you have a Voice API plan enabled in your account to use this feature.

Create a W3WApiVoiceDataSource instance

val voiceDataSource = W3WApiVoiceDataSource("YOUR_API_KEY")

If you are running your own Enterprise Suite API Server, you can specify the URL to your server:

val voiceDataSource = W3WApiVoiceDataSource("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_SERVER_ENDPOINT")

Create a W3WMicrophone instance to handle voice recording.

val microphone = W3WMicrophone()

You can set up callbacks to receive information about the recording progress.

microphone.setEventsListener(object : W3WAudioStream.EventsListener {
    override fun onVolumeChange(volume: Float) {

    override fun onError(error: W3WError) {

    override fun onAudioStreamStateChange(state: W3WAudioStreamState) {

Perform Voice AutoSuggest

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val voiceLanguage = W3WRFC5646Language.EN_GB

        CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch { 
            // Perform the Voice AutoSuggest in Dispatchers.IO
                null, // W3WAutosuggestOptions
                null, // onSpeechDetected
            ) { result ->
                //Switch to Dispatcher.Main to update your views with the results if needed
                withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
                    is W3WResult.Failure -> {
                        Log.e("MainActivity", "Error: ${result.message}")
                    is W3WResult.Success -> {
                        if (result.value.isNotEmpty()) {
                            Log.d("MainActivity", "Suggestions: ${result.value.joinToString { it.w3wAddress.address }}")
                        } else {
                            Log.d("MainActivity", "No suggestions found")

Helper Functions


Check if a String is a possible what3words address. A reminder that this just checks the format of the text, hence why is called possible3wa, to verify if it's a real what3words address please use isValid3wa.

com.what3words.javawrapper.What3WordsV3.isPossible3wa("filled.count.soap") returns true
com.what3words.javawrapper.What3WordsV3.isPossible3wa("not a 3wa") returns false
com.what3words.javawrapper.What3WordsV3.isPossible3wa("not.3wa address") returns false


Check if a String is a possible what3words address, this regex allows different separators (i.e: not using standard full stop/dot). A reminder that this just checks the format of the text, hence why is called didYouMean3wa, to verify if it's a real what3words address please use isValid3wa using full stop as a separator.

com.what3words.javawrapper.What3WordsV3.didYouMean3wa("filled-count-soap") returns true
com.what3words.javawrapper.What3WordsV3.didYouMean3wa("not valid") returns false
com.what3words.javawrapper.What3WordsV3.didYouMean3wa("not.3wa address") returns false
com.what3words.javawrapper.What3WordsV3.didYouMean3wa("not.threewa address") returns true


Get any possible what3words addresses from a text. Will return an empty list if no possible addresses are found. Reminder that this just checks the format of the text, hence why is called findPossible3wa, to verify if it's a real what3words address please use isValid3wa to verify each item of the list.

com.what3words.javawrapper.What3WordsV3.findPossible3wa("Please leave by my porch at filled.count.soap") returns ["filled.count.soap"]
com.what3words.javawrapper.What3WordsV3.findPossible3wa("Please leave by my porch at filled.count.soap or deed.tulip.judge") returns ["filled.count.soap", "deed.tulip.judge"]
com.what3words.javawrapper.What3WordsV3.findPossible3wa("Please leave by my porch at") returns []

Add what3words AutoSuggest to an existing text field

Using AutosuggestHelper class

Add the api and helper wherever you put your class variables and be sure to use your API key:

val dataSource = W3WApiTextDataSource.create(context, "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE")
val autosuggestOptions = W3WAutosuggestOptions.Builder().
    // others options as well

val autosuggestHelper = AutosuggestHelper(dataSource).options(autosuggestOptions)

Next step is to use a TextWatcher (or doOnTextChanged EditText extension) and let AutoSuggestHelper know about the changed text and add what3words suggestion data to your existing RecyclerView/Adapter. (check sample for complete working example with custom data model and RecyclerView adapter to show different autosuggest sources and EditText and RecyclerView setup.

editText.doOnTextChanged { text, _, _, _ -> 
	// update options in case of new clippings applying/changing dynamically i.e: Location.  
	    onSuccessListener = { suggestionResults ->  
		suggestionResults.forEach { suggestion ->  
		    //Add suggestion to existing RecyclerView adapter
	            Log.i("MainActivity", suggestion.w3wAddress.address)  
	        //notify adapter that there's changes on the data. 
	    onFailureListener = {  
                //log any errors returned by what3words API.
	        Log.e("MainActivity", it.message)  

Get the full what3words address once the user has selected a row

When user selects a row from the RecyclerView autosuggestHelper.selected() or autosuggestHelper.selectedWithCoordinates() should be called to retrieve the full what3words address with or without coordinates.

    onSuccessListener = { suggestion ->
        Log.d("MainActivity", "suggestion selected from what3words: ${suggesstion.w3wAddress.address}, lat=${} lng=${}")
    onFailureListener = {  
	    Log.e("MainActivity", it.message)  

Note that selectedWithCoordinates() will convert the what3words address to a lat/lng which will count against your plan's quota.

UX Guidelines

alt text

  • Once the user has entered the first letter of the 3rd word the AutoSuggest feature should be displayed
  • For simplicity, we recommend only displaying 3 suggested results
  • Every address should be accompanied by its nearest location.

Migrate from version 3.x to 4.x

In version 4.0, the API of android-wrapper library changed significantly. This is a guide for gradually adapting the existing code to the new API.

Introduce of the core library

Core library establishes essential models and interfaces that maintain consistency across various other libraries. Within our Android-wrapper libraries, we've implemented numerous changes by substituting existing models with those from the core library. It's imperative to update your code accordingly to utilize these new models. Please consult the table below for key models and their corresponding replacements:

Current models New models
com.what3words.javawrapper.response.SuggestionWithCoordinates com.what3words.core.types.domain.W3WSuggestion
com.what3words.javawrapper.request.AutosuggestOptions com.what3words.core.types.options.W3WAutosuggestOptions
com.what3words.javawrapper.response.Coordinates com.what3words.core.types.geometry.W3WCoordinates
com.what3words.javawrapper.response.Square com.what3words.core.types.geometry.W3WRectangle
com.what3words.core.domain.language.W3WLanguage com.what3words.core.types.language.W3WLanguage
com.what3words.javawrapper.request.BoundingBox com.what3words.core.types.geometry.W3WRectangle
com.what3words.androidwrapper.voice.Microphone com.what3words.core.datasource.voice.audiostream.W3WMicrophone

Regrettably, there isn't an automated process to convert the current models to the new ones. Therefore, you'll need to manually replace the old models one by one.

Transition from What3WordsV3 to W3WApiTextDataSource and W3WApiVoiceDataSource

We've restructured What3WordsV3 into two distinct classes, each serving specific functions.

  • W3WApiTextDataSource: Handles text-based tasks like address searching and conversions.
  • W3WApiVoiceDataSource: Specializes in voice-based address suggestions.

Method changes list


In version 3.x

val wrapper = What3WordsV3(API_KEY, activityContext)
val result = wrapper.convertToCoordinates(words).execute()


  • words: String

Return ConvertToCoordinates

In version 4.0

val textDataSource = W3WApiTextDataSource.create(context, API_KEY) 
val result = textDataSource.convertToCoordinates(words) // Must run on background thread


  • words: String

Return W3WResult<W3WAddress>

For more details and instructions, see Convert to coordinates example.


In version 3.x

val wrapper = What3WordsV3(API_KEY, activityContext)
val result = wrapper.convertTo3wa(coordinates).execute()


  • coordinates: Coordinates

Return ConvertTo3WA

In version 4.0

val textDataSource = W3WApiTextDataSource.create(context, API_KEY) 
val result = textDataSource.convertTo3wa(coordinates, language) // Must run on background thread


  • coordinates: W3WCoordinates
  • language: W3WLanguage

Return W3WResult<W3WAddress>

For more details and instructions, see Convert to what3words address example.


In version 3.x

val wrapper = What3WordsV3(API_KEY, activityContext)
val result = wrapper.autosuggest(word).execute()


  • word: String

Return Autosuggest

In version 4.0

val textDataSource = W3WApiTextDataSource.create(context, API_KEY) 
val result = textDataSource.autosuggest(word, options) // Must run on background thread


  • word: String
  • options: W3WAutosuggestOptions?

Return W3WResult<List<W3WSuggestion>>

For more details and instructions, see Autosuggest example.


In version 3.x

val wrapper = What3WordsV3(API_KEY, activityContext)
val result = wrapper.availableLanguages().execute()

Return AvailableLanguages

In version 4.0

val textDataSource = W3WApiTextDataSource.create(context, API_KEY) 
val result = textDataSource.availableLanguages() // Must run on background thread

Return W3WResult<Set<W3WProprietaryLanguage>>

For more details and instructions, see Get available languages example.


In version 3.x

val wrapper = What3WordsV3(API_KEY, activityContext)
val result = wrapper.gridSection(boudingBox).execute()


  • boudingBox: BoundingBox

Return GridSection

In version 4.0

val textDataSource = W3WApiTextDataSource.create(context, API_KEY) 
val result = textDataSource.gridSection(boundingBox) // Must run on background thread


  • boudingBox: W3WRectangle

Return W3WResult<W3WGridSection>

For more details and instructions, see Grid section example.

Voice AutoSuggest

In version 3.x

val wrapper = What3WordsV3(API_KEY, activityContext)
val result = wrapper.autosuggest(microphone, voiceLanguage)
    .onSuggstions { suggestions ->
        // Handle the suggestions
    .onError { error ->
        // Handle the error


  • mircophone: Microphone
  • voiceLanguage: String


  • suggestions: List<Suggestion>!
  • error: APIResponse.What3WordsError!

In version 4.0

val voiceDataSource = W3WApiVoiceDataSource.create(API_KEY) 
val result = voiceDataSource.autosuggest(
    ) { result ->
        // Handle result


  • input: W3WAudioStream
  • voiceLanguage: W3WLanguage,
  • options: W3WAutosuggestOptions?,
  • onSpeechDetected: ((String) -> Unit)?


  • result: W3WResult<List<W3WSuggestion>>

For more details and instructions, see Voice autosugge example.


In the previous version, AutosuggestHelper relied on What3WordsV3. Now, we've transitioned to using W3WApiTextDataSource.

Therefore, update your code from:

val what3words = What3WordsV3("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", this)
val autosuggestHelper = AutosuggestHelper(what3words)

val dataSource = W3WApiTextDataSource.create(context, "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE")
val autosuggestHelper = AutosuggestHelper(dataSource)

For more details and instructions, see AutoSuggestHelper.