crowd counting
The paper is under review.
Paper Link
- Shanghai Tech A randomly crop 4 patch of 128x128 from each image.
- Shanghai Tech B randomly crop 4 patch of 256x256 from each image.
- UCF-CC-50 randomly crop 8 patch of 128x128 from each image.
- QNRF randomly crop 8 patch of 128x128 from each image.
- NWPU-Crowd randomly crop 1 patch of 576x768 from each image.
- update root "HOME and DATASET" in ./
- python
- python
- MSE and MSE
- python
python >=3.6
pytorch >=1.5
opencv-python >=4.0
scipy >=1.4.0
h5py >=2.10
pillow >=7.0.0
imageio >=1.18