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This is a custom component for Home Assistant to integrate the pulsatrix charger (v3) using the MQTT API (v2).

This is an unofficial plugin that is not officially supported by pulsatrix



  • install an MQTT Broker (preferrably Mosquitto). Either via "Addons" (if you use Home Assitant OS) or manually on your OS
  • contact pulsatrix support and ask them to link the devices to the MQTT Broker
  • they will ask you for the IP/Hostname of the MQTT Broker within the current network as it needs to be reachable from the charging controller
  • in Home Assistant add the MQTT Integration and configure it to the freshly installed MQTT Broker


Use HACS to install this custom component.


  • Clone the repo
  • copy the folder custom_components/pulsatrix_local_mqtt to your custom_components folder
  • restart Home Assistant


Use the Web UI (Config flow) to add the "pulsatrix" integration. You have to know the serial number (12 digits) of your device.

find the serial


Friendly name Category Type Enabled per default Description
Charging diagnostic binary sensor ✔️ Weather the EV is charging or not
Current Consumption diagnostic sensor ✔️ The consumption in kW
Energy diagnostic sensor ✔️ The transferred energy of the current session in kWh
State diagnostic sensor ✔️ The state of the controller (see below)
Frequency diagnostic sensor The grid frequency
P1 voltage diagnostic sensor Phase 1 voltage
P2 voltage diagnostic sensor Phase 2 voltage
P3 voltage diagnostic sensor Phase 3 voltage
P1 amperage diagnostic sensor Phase 1 amperage
P2 amperage diagnostic sensor Phase 2 amperage
P3 amperage diagnostic sensor Phase 3 amperage

diagnostic: An entity exposing some configuration parameter or diagnostics of a device

config: An entity which allows changing the configuration of a device


The sensor state can have the following states

Value Friendly name Raw Value
Idle No transaction in progress IDLE
Awaiting Start Transaction is currently blocked from starting AWAITING_START
Awaiting Authorization Transaction is awaiting authorization by some means AWAITING_AUTHORIZATION
Starting Transaction is currently starting (transitional state) STARTING
Not offering charging Vehicle is connected but not offered any charging current SUSPENDED_EVSE
Offered charging but not taking Vehicle is connected, offered charging but not taking any SUSPENDED_EV
Charging Electrical energy is being transferred CHARGING
Failed Charging has failed, but the vehicle is still connected FAILED
Stopped externally The transaction has been stopped by external means STOPPED
Wait for EV to reconnect The transaction is about to end, but lingering to give the user a chance to reconnect the vehicle LINGERING
Completed The transaction has irrevocably ended and is considered completed COMPLETE