Customer Service, provides APIs for customer CRUD service, with multi-tenancy support, implemented with Spring Boot, Liquibase, and PostgreSQL. For detailed article on how this microservice is implemented with multi-tenancy support, please check out my Medium story,
A. Prerequisites
- Windows/Linux based operating system
- Java 17
- Database has been created or assuming using an in-memory database for testing purpose
B. Getting Started & Run the Application
- Clone the git repo in to your local directory from github repository
- Open the command prompt and navigate to the main project directory.
- Copy postgre.jks file located under root to under "tmp" directory on your local env. Empty file merely for local testing purpose.
** Run Application **
- Build the application:
mvn clean install
- Run the application:
java -jar target\customerservice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar
C. Application Launch