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Alessandro Fazzi edited this page May 29, 2017 · 1 revision

This is an attempt to explain what Wordmove is doing behind the scenes.

We had an explicit request in #337 by @COLABORATI and we think that in certain scenarios could be important to know some details.

Keep in mind how hard is to describe comprehensively all software's interactions ... I'm gonna try :)

Ask in issues if you'd like maintainers to add some answers, or feel free to add here questions with answer. Just do not delete older ones without asking.

which transport mechanism is used?

Wordmove uses SSH directly to run commands remotely and indirectly through rsync; alternatively it can use FTP protocol through lftp.

what exactly happens with the old database?

The old database is always saved inside local wp-content folder. Local is saved during pull, remote is saved during push.

is there any kind of rollback?

Having backups for each push/pull operations, gives you opportunity to do manual restores.

where are files stored?

Wordmove needs just to store it's own Movefile and backups inside local wp-content folder.

is this a transactional process, e.g. what happens when transfer is disrupted?

If a transfer is disrupted/interrupted could occur that some temporary files would be left on the remote server. the risky thing could be to have a partial DB dump in your remote wp-content: if such a scenario occurs, please, double check presence of dump.sql file or dump.sql.gz file.

Please note that wp-content dir could be customized by advanced options inside Movefile; here is intended the default configuration is used.

what else are you doing on my wordpress server?

The only noticeable thing is that Wordmove works mirroring folders. This means that not only contents are copied form source to destination, but also deleted files in source will be deleted on destination. I do not think there are other hidden behaviours.

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