BTweeted is a simple Twitter search app. It keeps track of the phrases searched for in order to display recent and popular (ie. as searched for through the app ) searches.
The application was built during a consulting client's new developer onboarding, to demonstrate my basic competency with Python and Django.
The following instructions assume that you have Python 2.7 and virtualenv installed. If not, make sure you have pip installed (, and then install virtualenv ( and virtualenvwrapper (
git clone [email protected]:webmaven/btweeted.git mkvirtualenv btweeted cd btweeted cp btweeted/secretsettings.txt btweeted/ vim btweeted/ source ./bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt python ./ syncdb python ./ runserver
Go to
Note that there is a step in the middle to edit a file that you create from an example secretsettings.txt file. Instructions are in the example file.
Run the tests as follows:
python test phrases
You can also see the test coverage:
python test_coverage phrases
The following are the requirements that were given for development of the app
- A requirements file so that others can install your site easily
- A readme file describing your site, how to set it up, and how to use it.
- A django site
- An app with:
- A model of phrases to search for. This model has:
- The phrase
- The the number of times the phrase was searched for from the app.
- The datetime of the last search for the phrase.
- A form to enter the search phrase.
- Views to search for the phrase and view a list of search results.
- A twitter client used to fetch the results from the search. If you choose to use an open-source Python Twitter library, you must still wrap that library in a client module for separation of concerns from views.
- Automated unit tests to prove your app works as desired
- All text displayed to the user must be translated
- A model of phrases to search for. This model has:
- An app with:
I extended the requirements a bit:
- Phrases that are extremely similar (only case and leading/trailing whitespace differences so far) are treated as identical for search popularity purposes.