An extensible HD Wallet Address management utility
Please contact us if you have any special needs [email protected]
$ npm i hd-address
$ yarn add hd-address
m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
/ address 0
coinType 0(btc) -- account 0 -- change 0
/ \ address 1
root -- BIP44
coinType 60(eth) -- account 0 -- change 1 -- address 0
const hdAddress = require("hd-address")
// Generate mnemocie seed base58
const mnemocie = hdAddress.mnemocie.getRandomMnemocie()
const seed = hdAddress.seed.getRandomSeed()
const base58 = hdAddress.base58.getRandomBase58()
// Create Hd wallet
const hdWallet =new hdAddress.mnemocie(mnemocie)
const hdWallet =new hdAddress.seed(seed)
const hdWallet =new hdAddress.base58(base58)
// Generate keypair
hdWallet.getHdPath(coinTypeCode, index, account = 0, change = 0)
hdWallet.getKeyPair(coinTypeCode, index, account, change)
hdWallet.getCoinKeyPair(coin, index, account, change)
// ChainCode
hdWallet.getPublicKeyByChainCode(parentPub, chainCode, path)
hdWallet.getPrivateKeyByChainCode(parentPri, chainCode, path)
const hdAddress = require("hd-address")
// Create a wallet with Coin Info
let hd = hdAddress.HD(mnemonic,hdAddress.keyType.mnemonic,pwd)
let hd = hdAddress.HD(seed,hdAddress.keyType.seed)
let hd = hdAddress.HD(base58,hdAddress.keyType.base58)
// Get coin info
hd.BTC.getCoinKeyPair(index, account, change)
hd.ETH.getCoinAddressKeyPair(index, account, change)
hd.TRX.getAddress(index, account, change)
const mnemonic = hdAddress.mnemocie.getRandomMnemonic()
let hd = hdAddress.HD(mnemonic,hdAddress.keyType.mnemonic)
const {seed} =hdAddress.mnemocie.getRandomSeed()
let hd = hdAddress.HD(seed,hdAddress.keyType.seed)
const {base58} =hdAddress.mnemocie.getRandomBase58()
let hd = hdAddress.HD(base58,hdAddress.keyType.base58) //v3.1
1.Get BTC ETH TRX address example
let hdIndex=6677
let btcAddr = hd.BTC.getAddress(hdIndex)
let ethAddr = hd.ETH.getAddress(hdIndex)
let trxAddr = hd.TRX.getAddress(hdIndex)
2.Get address by path
let hdpath = "m/0'/1/1" // account/change/index
let {address, pub, pri, path} = hd.BTC.getAddressByPath(hdpath)
console.log(address, pub, pri, path)
let {address, path, pri, pub} = hd.BTC.getCoinAddressKeyPair(hdIndex)
console.log(address, path)
4.Get address using private key or public key
let priAddr = hd.BTC.getAddressByPrivateKey(pri)
console.assert(priAddr.address == address)
let pubAddr = hd.BTC.getAddressByPublicKey(pub)
console.assert(pubAddr.address == address)
let wordList = hdAddress.mnemonic.wordLists.CN
let strength = hdAddress.mnemonic.strength.high
let cnMnemo = hdAddress.mnemonic.getRandomMnemonic(strength, wordList)
let isMnemo = hdAddress.mnemonic.validateMnemonic(cnMnemo)
2.Get Random base58
let strength = hdAddress.base58.strength.high
let base58 = hdAddress.mnemonic.getRandombase58(strength)
EOS extension: example
You can extend hd-address by implementing AddressClass
const AddressClass = require("hd-address").AddressClass //v3.0
module.exports = class EosAddress extends AddressClass {
constructor(hd) {
let coin = "EOS"
super(hd, coin);
getAddress(index) {
console.log(this.coin, "implement getAddress method")
getAddressByPrivateKey(privateKey) {
console.log(this.coin, "implement getAddressByPrivateKey method")
getAddressByPublicKey(privateKey) {
console.log(this.coin, "implement getAddressByPublicKey method")
Get address using chain code: example
Chain Code can do hierarchical authorization management
let hdPath = "m/44'/0'/1'"
let {pub, chainCode} = hd.wallet.getChainCodeByPath(hdPath)
console.log(hdPath, "chainCode", chainCode.toString("hex"),"\n")
// pubKey + chainCode +childPath => address
let childPath = "m/1/" + hdIndex
let child = hd.wallet.getPublicKeyByChainCode(pub, chainCode, childPath)
let childAaddr = hd.BTC.getAddressByPublicKey(
console.log(childPath,"hex"),"BTC Address",childAaddr.address)
//path => address
let testPath = "m/44'/0'/1'/1/" + hdIndex
let test = hd.wallet.getChainCodeByPath(testPath)
let testAaddr = hd.BTC.getAddressByPublicKey(
console.log(testPath,"hex"),"BTC Address",testAaddr.address)