Send SMS to specific channel via Twilio. The purpose was of this project was to allow the hackathon attendees to notify the organizing team of anything that was making them feel uncomfortable.
Reply back to number from which the notifiication was received.
To notify the organizing team on Slack via SMS, just send a message to the Twilio number provided
To reply back to the notifier:
/sms <number_to_text>
Make sure to change the Slash Command URL to whatever your URL is.
And then:
$ heroku config:set TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=<ACCOUNT_SID>
$ heroku config:set TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=<AUTH_TOKEN>
$ heroku config:set TWILIO_NUMBER=<NUMBER>
$ heroku config:set PORT=<PORT>
- Go to your channel
- Click on Configure Integrations.
- Scroll all the way down to DIY Integrations & Customizations section.
All other settings can be set on your own discretion.
Click on Add next to Incoming WebHooks.
- Choose a channel to integrate with (this doesn't matter -- it'll always respond to the channel you called it from)
- Note the new Webhook URL.
Create a Twilio Account
Go to your Twilio Account to retrieve the Twilio Account SID and Auth Token associated with your account
Update the Messaging Request URL to your URL with route
Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs or file feature requests.
PRs to add new sources are welcome.