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Firmware for the 2024-2025 processor board project, performing state estimation and control for the canards system


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Canards Processor Board Firmware

Firmware for the 2024-2025 processor board, performing state estimation and control for the canards system. Project documentation can be found in the team Google Drive.

Project Structure

  • src/drivers/: custom peripheral driver modules
  • src/application/: high-level application logic modules
  • src/third_party/: third-party libraries
  • src/common/: shared resources specific to this project
  • tests/: everything for testing
  • Everything else is autogenerated by STM32CubeIDE with few modifications

Developer Setup

This project is not dependent on STM32CubeIDE. Code editing, unit testing, and building should be done in the devcontainer. Only running/debugging on target should be done in STM32CubeIDE.

1. Clone repo

  • Clone repo and initialize submodules: git clone --recurse-submodules
    • (Note: if you choose to clone with ssh instead, you have to manually setup ssh forwarding in the devcontainer.)

2. Open project in devcontainer

The devcontainer has everything setup for editing, unit testing, and building. Most dev work should occur in it.

  • Open the project using vscode devcontainers.
    • Install devcontainers
    • In a new vscode window, use Ctrl+Shift+P, search Dev Containers: Open Folder In Container..., then select this project folder
      • The first time opening the project will take several minutes to build the devcontainer. Subsequent times will be instant.

3. Build and test project in devcontainer

Recommended: use vscode cmake plugin:

  • Open the CMake plugin tab from the sidebar
  • Under Configure, select which build type you want
  • Hover over Build, click the build icon to build the selected configuration

4. Run/debug in STM32CubeIDE

STM32CubeIDE is required for flashing/debugging on hardware. NOTE: STM32CubeIDE is not able to build this project. STM32CubeIDE is only used to flash the build from step 3.

  • Import the project into STM32CubeIDE (version 1.16.1 recommended): File -> Import... -> Existing Projects into Workspace
  • Build the project firmware binary using vscode (step 3)
  • Use an ST-Link programmer to connect to processor board.
  • Use STM32CubeIDE launch/debug as usual
    • NOTE: since the project can't be built in STM32CubeIDE, auto-building before launch is turned off. Remember to always build the project after making edits.

ALTERNATIVE 4. Run/debug via Vscode STM32 extension

Instead of using STM32CubeIDE, run/debug in vscode is possible using the STM32 vscode extension (setup info here ). This was omitted from the devcontainer because 1. CubeIDE debugging features are stronger, and 2. usb passthrough into devcontainers is non-trivial.

Unit Testing

The project uses GoogleTest and Fake Function Framework (fff) for unit testing. All testing-related files are in tests/.

  • Tests are built from tests/CMakeLists.txt which is separate from the project's main build config. Building and running tests is done from scripts/ described above.
  • Test source code should be written in tests/unit/.
  • Mocks should be made with fff in tests/mocks/

Add a test

  • Add new tests in tests/unit/. See test_dummy.cpp for the suggested test structure.
  • All tests in the folder are detected automatically by the CMakeLists.

Add a mock

We do not include the STM32 HAL library nor FreeRTOS when compiling the project for unit tests. So if a source file uses a HAL or FreeRTOS file, those files and their functions must be mocked using fff.


  • src/drivers/gpio/gpio.c uses FreeRTOS semaphores via #include "semphr.h.
    • In the actual firmware, the real semphr.h is included when compiling. But for unit tests, the real semphr.h is not included when compiling. So, the unit tests fail to compile (it can't find a semphr.h file).
      • To correct this we add a "fake" semphr.h in tests/mocks/semphr.h. All files in this folder are included when compiling unit test, so the tests now compile.
    • The gpio code uses functions from the real semphr.h like xSemaphoreTake(). These don't exist in our fake semphr.h yet.
      • To correct this we need to create a mock xSemaphoreTake() function using fff. fff's Readme describes how to create fake functions. Here's the mock for xSemaphoreTake():
        // The func to mock: BaseType_t xSemaphoreTake(SemaphoreHandle_t arg0, TickType_t arg1)
        DECLARE_FAKE_VALUE_FUNC(BaseType_t, xSemaphoreTake, SemaphoreHandle_t, TickType_t);
        First we put the declaration (DECLARE_FAKE...) in mocks/semphr.h. Then, put the actual definition (DEFINE_FAKE...) in the corresponding mocks/semphr.c.
  • Now in the gpio tests, we can access the mocked semaphore functions via fff to test that the gpio code uses semaphores correctly.

Run tests

  • Build in vscode using cmake (see step 3 above)
  • Use the vscode cmake Launch and Debug tabs to run/debug tests
  • Coverage report is generated after running tests. Open html pages in build/test/coverage_report in a local browser


  • Use STM32CubeIDE debugging as directed above
  • The ST-link programmer has a serial output so you can listen to uart4 from a laptop COM port. The printf library (NOT THE STDLIB PRINTF) is configured to print strings to that COM port. Use printf_("string to print..") - note the _ character.
    • This should rarely be used. Please instead learn how to use the debugger (breakpoints, dynamic print breakpoints, step, etc) for efficient and pleasant debugging.

Code Standards

This project follows the team-wide embedded coding standard.

  • The devcontainer sets up vscode format-on-save to automatically use the team's clang-format.

    • In case you want to format manually, the script can be run from the project root directory:
  • Rocketlib is included at src/third_party/rocketlib.

  • Developers should be aware of the BARR Standard and make an effort to follow it.


Firmware for the 2024-2025 processor board project, performing state estimation and control for the canards system







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