Assembler that translates programs written in Hack assembly language into Hack binary code.
Project from the book nand2tetris.
$ ./ # build code
$ ./build/assembler tests/Add.asm # run executable
$ cat tests/Add.hack # show results
$ diff tests/Add.hack tests/sols/Add.hack # compare results with solutions from book
$ ./build/assembler tests/PongL.asm # huge example (27k lines of assembly)
$ diff tests/PongL.hack tests/sols/PongL.hack # compare again
Add.asm | Add.hack
@2 | 0000000000000010
D=A | 1110110000010000
@3 | 0000000000000011
D=D+A | 1110000010010000
@0 | 0000000000000000
M=D | 1110001100001000