The swiss army knife for interacting with Wandelbots NOVA.
Installation with homebrew:
brew install wandelbotsgmbh/wandelbots/nova
# enable autocompletion for zsh (has to be done only once)
echo 'source <(nova completion zsh)' >> ~/.zshrc
Note Our binaries are not signed yet, thus MacOS will block the first execution.
To fix this, go to Settings
-> Privacy & Security
and click Open Anyway
Note The certificate is currently self-signed and might need to be added manually to your computer. To do so, please download the source.msix and follow these instructions to add the certificate.
winget source add --name wandelbots --arg
winget install NovaCLI
Find the latest binaries under
Unpack the nova binary, add it to your PATH and you should be ready for lift-off 🚀
Completions are available for the most common terminals.
The following examples should give you a rough overview whats possible with the CLI.
To see all possibilities, check the docs or nova -h
Login To Nova Cloud Instances
$ nova login
$ nova config set host
$ nova homescreen
For a more complete guide on how to develop apps, you can follow our documentation.
# create web application using nextjs
$ nova app create myapp
# creating python application using fastapi
$ nova app create -g python_app
We publish pre-built applications in our catalog, which you can optionally install.
# list available entries
$ nova catalog list
# show some information about the entry
$ nova catalog info jupyter
Jupyter is a free, open-source, ...
# install entry to your instance
$ nova catalog install jupyter
# saves the current default cell to file
$ nova cell save
# edit the cell yaml in your favorite editor
$ nova cell edit
# install a cell from file
$ nova cell install path/to/your/cell.yaml