healthy implementation of PHP's serialization and session formats in Rust
muesli is Rust implementation of PHP's serialize()
, unserialize()
, and session_decode()
Add this to your Cargo.toml
muesli = "0.0.2"
or run:
cargo add muesli
use muesli::{session_encode, SessionEntry, Value};
fn main() {
let data = vec![
SessionEntry {
key: b"foo",
value: Value::Integer(42),
SessionEntry {
key: b"bar",
value: Value::String(b"baz|qux".as_slice()),
SessionEntry {
key: b"pub",
value: Value::Integer(1337),
let mut session = Vec::<u8>::new();
session_encode(&mut session, &data).unwrap();
assert_eq!(session, b"foo|i:42;bar|s:7:\"baz|qux\";pub|i:1337;".as_slice());
Compiler support: requires rustc 1.79.0+
An automated development environment is provided through devenv
tool. It's the preferred
way to work on muesli
The devenv
shell provides the devloop
command that run linters, tests and build command on files changes: