Asterisk voicemail main application that allows users to listen to messages left on their mailbox.
$ git clone
$ cd node-voicemail-main
$ npm install -g .
or add the following the your package.json file
"dependencies": {
"voicemail-main": "voxoco/node-voicemail-main"
Load as a module:
var voicemailMain = require('voicemail-main');
or run it as an application:
$ node app.js
After cloning the git repository, run the following to install the module and all dev dependencies:
$ npm install
$ npm link
Then run the following to run jshint and mocha tests:
$ grunt
jshint will enforce a minimal style guide. It is also a good idea to create unit tests when adding new features.
To generate a test coverage report run the following:
$ grunt coverage
This will also ensure a coverage threshold is met by the tests.
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