IMPORTANT: A critical bug in clustering was fixed January 24th 2019 - if you have run Vamb at any previous time, your results will likely have been terrible.
Created by Jakob Nybo Nissen and Simon Rasmussen, Technical University of Denmark.
Vamb is a metagenomic binner which feeds sequence composition information from a contig catalogue and co-abundance information from BAM files into a variational autoencoder and clusters the latent representation. It performs excellently with many samples, well with 5-10 samples and poorly relying only on the nucleotide composition. Vamb is implemented purely in Python (with a little bit of Cython) and can be used both from commandline and from within a Python interpreter.
For more information on the background, context, and theory of Vamb, read our paper on bioRxiv (DOI: 10.1101/490078)
For more information about the implementation, methodological considerations, future directions, and advanced Python usage of Vamb, see the tutorial file (doc/tutorial.html
Vamb requires Python v. >= 3.5 and the following packages to run:
- PyTorch
- Numpy
- pysam
So make sure you have those installed. When you have that:
If you have git
[jakni@nissen:scripts]$ git clone
If you don't
You then presumably have access to the Vamb directory with this notebook, so just put it wherever:
[jakni@nissen:scripts]$ cp -r /path/to/vamb/directory vamb
Check if you can import Vamb to Python
Open Python, append the parent directory of the vamb directory to your sys.path
, then import Vamb. For example, if the Vamb directory is placed at /home/jakni/scripts/vamb
, I would append '/home/jakni/scripts'
[jakni@nissen:scripts]$ python3 # must be Python 3!
Python 3.7.1 (default, Oct 22 2018, 10:41:28)
[GCC 8.2.1 20180831] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys; sys.path.append('/home/jakni/scripts'); import vamb
If no error occurs, like above, you successfully installed Vamb.
If you can't import Vamb to Python
This can happen if you miss any of the dependencies. If it raises an error that you can't import vambtools
, you probably need to compile the vambtools source file yourself. Either compile the src/_vambtools.c
source file using whatever C compiler you want to, or compile the src/_vambtools.pyx
. To do the latter:
- Make sure you have the Python package Cython installed.
- Go to the
directory in the vamb directory - run
python build_ext --inplace
to do the compilation with
script - This will create a binary file. On my computer it's called
but this will depend on your Python version and OS. Move this binary file to the parent directory, i.e. thevamb
diretory. You can rename it to something nicer
if you want, but it's not necessary. - You should now be able to import Vamb.
Take a brief look on the options with:
[jakni@nissen:scripts]$ python3 vamb/ --help
Do the defaults look alright? They probably do, but you might want to check number of processes to launch and the option for GPU acceleration.
Then, in order to run it, just do:
[jakni@nissen:scripts]$ python3 vamb/ outdir contigs.fna path/to/bamfiles/*.bam
Like other metagenomic binners, Vamb relies on two properties of the DNA sequences to be binned:
- The kmer-composition of the sequence (here tetranucleotide frequency, TNF) and
- The abundance of the contigs in each sample (the depth or the RPKM).
So before you can run Vamb, you need to have files from which Vamb can calculate these values.
- TNF is calculated from a regular fasta file of DNA sequences.
- Depth is calculated from BAM-files of mapping reads to that same fasta file.
The observed values for both of these measures become uncertain when the sequences is too short due to the law of large numbers. Therefore, Vamb works poorly on short sequences and on data with low depth. Vamb can work on shorter sequences such as genes, which are more easily homology reduced and thus can support hundreds of samples, but the results of working on contigs is better.
With fewer samples (up to 100), we recommend using contigs from an assembly with a minimum contig length cutoff of ~2000-ish basepairs. With many samples, the number of contigs can become overwhelming. The better approach is to split the dataset up into smaller chuncks and bin them independently.
There are situations where you can't just filter the fasta file, maybe because you have already spent tonnes of time getting those BAM files and you're not going to remap if your life depended on it, or because your fasta file contains genes and so removing all entries less than e.g. 2000 bps is a bit too much to ask. In those situations, you can still pass the argument minlength
on command line) if you want to have Vamb ignore the smaller contigs. This is not ideal, since the smaller, contigs will still have recruited some reads during mapping which are then not mapped to the larger contigs, but it can work alright.
Vamb produces the following six output files:
- a text file with information about the Vamb run.tnf.npz
, andlatent.npz
- Numpy .npz files with TNFs, abundances, and the latent encoding of these
- a PyTorch model object of the trained VAE. You can load the VAE from this file usingvamb.VAE.load
in Python.clusters.tsv
- a text file with two columns and one row per sequence: Left column for the cluster name, right column for the sequence name. You can create the FASTA-file bins themselves usingvamb.vambtools.write_bins
for more details).
1) Preprocess the reads and check their quality
We use AdapterRemoval combined with FastQC for this.
2) Assemble each sample individually OR co-assemble and get the contigs out
We recommend using metaSPAdes on each sample individually.
3) Concatenate the FASTA files together while making sure all contig headers stay unique
We recommend prepending the sample name to each contig header from that sample.
4) Remove all small contigs from the FASTA file
There's a tradeoff here between a too low cutoff, retaining hard-to-bin contigs which adversely affects the binning of all contigs, and throwing out good data. We use a length cutoff of 2000 bp as default but haven't actually run tests for the optimal value.
5) Map the reads to the FASTA file to obtain BAM files
We have used BWA MEM for mapping, fully aware that it is not well suited for metagenomic mapping. In theory, any mapper that produces a BAM file.
Importing VAMB raises a RuntimeWarning that the compiletime version is wrong
Urgh, compiled languages, man! :/ Anyway, if it's just a warning it doesn't really matter as VAMB can run just fine despite it.
No trouble seen so far.
No trouble seen so far.
No trouble seen so far.
It warns: Only [N]% of contigs has well-separated threshold
See the issue below
It warns: Only [N]% of contigs has any observable threshold
This happens if the inter-contig distances do not neatly separate into close and far contigs, which can happen if:
- There is little data, e.g. < 50k contigs
- The VAE has not trained sufficiently
- There is, for some reason, little signal in your data (low read abundances, similar bacterial strains etc.)
Make sure the assembly and mapping went well. If it did, there is not much to do about it. We do not know at what percentage of well-separated or observable threshold Vamb becomes unusable. I would still use Vamb unless the following error is thrown:
It warns: Too little data: [ERROR]. Setting threshold to 0.08
This happens if less than 5 of the Pearson samples (default of 2500 samples) return any threshold. If this happens for a reasonable number of Pearson samples, e.g. > 100, I would not trust Vamb to deliver good results, and would use another binner instead.