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generator-jhipster-standalone-profile NPM version Build Status Dependency Status Coverage percentage code style: prettier

Adds Standalone profile support in JHipster applications


This is a JHipster module, that is meant to be used in a JHipster application.

During services development, especially in micro-service architecture, to access secure micro-service endpoint, you often need to start JHipster Registry and UAA / OpenID Connect server. Horizontal scaling, security are not concerns during development and often adds an additional overhead. This module helps you to bypass these concerns with an add-on profile.

Similarly, during frontend development, especially in micro-services architecture, to access RESTful services, you need to start micro-service(s), gateway, JHipster Registry, and UAA / OpenID Connect server. In general, you only require service contract (request, response, headers etc) and can build fully functional client applications with this information. standalone profile on frontend helps you to achieve this by stubbing RESTful calls.


To simplify development experience, this module adds new spring boot standalone profile and integrates with corresponding standalone maven profile. It is an add-on profile like no-liquibase and should be used along with main profile like dev.

This module supports following authentication types:

  • OIDC
  • UAA
  • JWT

Note: On gateway application type, security is not disabled.

This module supports following discovery services:

  • JHipster Registry (Eureka)



This module leverages angular in-memory-web-api module to intercept HTTP requests. This module stubs calls to api/account and management/info endpoints and allow you to directly access secured pages. You can follow similar approach to intercept custom entity endpoints. You need to specify custom collections under: src/main/webapp/app/core/in-memory-data.service.ts.

For more details, refer in-memory-web-api documentation.


This guide assumes that you have already setup a JHipster application.


Use following command to globally install this module:

yarn global add generator-jhipster-standalone-profile

Note: If you are using JHipster v4.14.x generated applications, then, use 1.x version.


  • Navigate to JHipster application root directory.

  • Use following command to add standalone profile support:

    yo jhipster-standalone-profile
  • Resolve conficts, if any.

  • Use following command to start backend services in the standalone mode:

    ./mvnw -Pdev,standalone
  • Use following command to start angular frontend in the standalone mode:

    yarn start:standalone


    npm run start:standalone


MIT © Vishal Mahajan