This is a demo application. It will serve as a playground to discuss tech-to-tech during the next interview. Take a chance to demonstrate your clean code skills, while keeping in mind that the application will not go to production. Therefore we don’t expect every edge case to be covered.
If you would like to store latitude/logitude of user address:
Provide Google API Key as environment variable in GEOCODE_KEY
Build tests with docker first delete all the *.pyc files in the test directory and subdirectories:
find . \( -name '__pycache__' -or -name '*.pyc' \) -delete
then build
docker build -t mbrellatest . -f Dockerfile.test
Run tests with docker (and automatically remove with --rm exposing port with -p)
docker run --rm -p 5000:5000 mbrellatest
APP: Build with docker
docker build -t mbrella . -f Dockerfile
Run with docker
docker run --rm -p 5000:5000 mbrella
*** Documentation ***
*** WITHOUT DOCKER *** (requires python 2.7)
Tests without Docker
py.test test/ --log-cli-level=10 -s
APP: Run without Docker
FLASK_APP=src/ FLASK_ENV=development flask run --port 5000
- Additional endpoints, for instance /api/booking/confirm when a booking is confirmed
- Move to Python 3.6 - should not be difficult, but package 'futures' might be problematic. Packages to install: Flask, Flask-Fixtures, Flask-SQLAlchemy, geocoder, pytest, urllib
- Protect routes with user roles - see
- Use Headers to specify API version
- Use JWT/ Session from Flask
- Encrypt ids
- validate email
- Edge cases
YourMove operates a free-floating private fleet of different sorts of vehicles: cars, bikes, motor scooters and kick scooters. Using a mobile application, a customer can book a vehicle, they choose a starting date and time, and a duration in order to make a reservation.
Design a REST API with the following operations:
- Create a booking
- Retrieve a booking
- Delete a vehicle
- Update a user
- Make sure a vehicle cannot be booked more than once at any given time
- We store the user address, and we want to geocode it (use a lib)
- Run the app in Docker
- Use a Python-based framework of your choice. If you have no preference, for instance because you do not have prior experience, prefer Django.
- We should be able to easily run your application on our computer.
- Upload your code to a private Github repository and grant us access (our usernames will be provided separately).
- Do not squash all your commits, nor push a single commit at the end. We will be looking at the history.
- Ignore all authentication concerns, but check the framework’s documentation: how would you protect your endpoints, with different roles (user, admin)?