- The backend is hosted on Google cloud run here: https://kaizntree-django-server-zlsyklqmba-ue.a.run.app
- An incomplete frontend that provides the auth token is hosted here: https://kaizntree-frontend.onrender.com/
- Go to the frontend and login with these test credentials: [email protected], password
- Open the console log and you will find the auth token to copy on logging in
- Grab the token and paste it in the Authorization section in Postman or whichever client you use
- The format of the Auth header will be
Bearer <your-token>
- Once that is done, you can run the APIs documented here on the backend url specified above
- clone the repository
- install the dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- run
python3 manage.py makemigrations kaizntree
andpython3 manage.py migrate
- run the server with
python3 manage.py runserver
- The server should be running and listengin on http://localhost:8000
- clone the repository
- run
docker build -t kaizntree_vineet .
to build the docker image - run
docker run -t kaizntree_vineet -p 8000:8000
to run the docker image - The server should be running and listengin on http://localhost:8000
- run the server using any of the 2 approaches above
- update the auth token retrieved from the frontend in tests/inventory_test_api.py
- run the tests with
python3 manage.py test --keepdb
The API documentation can be found here