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This is the source code of my website. You can find the result at I am using Hyde, an unmaintained static website generator written in Python.

Licensing is described in content/en/licenses.html.

This site is hosted on NixOS instances. You may find the remaining nginx configuration on another Git repository (the other part is in layout/nginx.j2).

Various commands


nix develop
inv build


Check oudated dependencies:

poetry show --outdated

Update a dependency:

poetry update --lock langcodes


Check oudated dependencies:

yarn outdated

Upgrade a dependency:

yarn upgrade-interactive --modules-folder ~/tmp/node_modules --ignore-scripts --latest


Update nixpkgs:

nix flake update nixpkgs


Easy rebase of a WIP progress + checkout:

git rebase latest article/something

Use of an LLM as an editor

I write article in English, then translate it to French. This seems easier for me than the other direction. As I am not a native English speaker, I am using LLMs to edit the English content or to translate to French. Since French is my mother tongue, I edit the French result myself.

Using Claude 3.5 Sonnet, I use the following prompts, then copy/paste Markdown content, with the exception of code blocks.


Translate to French the following text, keep markdown markup, and enclose the result in a code block. For links, keep the original references.

It should be possible to have a more guided prompt, but for now, this is enough for me.


Edit the following text, keep markdown markup, and enclose the result in a code block. There is no need to add comments. You can include very light stylistic edit but avoid using prnoun-verb contractions and keep a casual tone. The target is a technical audience who may not be English-native speakers (CEFR B2 level).