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Syntax Checker Guide

LCD 47 edited this page Mar 25, 2015 · 66 revisions

1. Checker directory structure
2. Checker anatomy
2.1. IsAvailable() callback
2.2. GetLocList() callback
2.3. GetHighlightRegex(item) callback
2.4. Call to g:SyntasticRegistry.CreateAndRegisterChecker()
3. Helper functions
3.1. SyntasticMake(options)
3.2. makeprgBuild(options)
3.3. setWantSort(do_sort)
4. Final steps
5. Duplicate checkers
6. External checkers

1. Checker directory structure

Checkers go in syntax_checkers/<filetype>/<checker_name>.vim

<checker_name> can be essentially anything, but is usually named after the checker exe.

2. Checker anatomy

We will use a (slightly modified) version of the ruby/mri checker as an example:

if exists('g:loaded_syntastic_ruby_mri_checker')
let g:loaded_syntastic_ruby_mri_checker = 1

if !exists('g:syntastic_ruby_mri_sort')
    let g:syntastic_ruby_mri_sort = 1

let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim

function! SyntaxCheckers_ruby_mri_IsAvailable() dict
    return executable(self.getExec())

function! SyntaxCheckers_ruby_mri_GetHighlightRegex(item)
    if match(a:item['text'], 'assigned but unused variable') > -1
        let term = split(a:item['text'], ' - ')[1]
        return '\V\\<'.term.'\\>'

    return ''

function! SyntaxCheckers_ruby_mri_GetLocList() dict
    let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({
                \ 'args': '-w -T1',
                \ 'args_after': '-c' })

    "this is a hack to filter out a repeated useless warning in rspec files
    "containing lines like
    "  foo.should == 'bar'
    "Which always generate the warning below. Note that ruby >= 1.9.3 includes
    "the word "possibly" in the warning
    let errorformat = '%-G%.%#warning: %\(possibly %\)%\?useless use of == in void context,'

    " filter out lines starting with ...
    " long lines are truncated and wrapped in ... %p then returns the wrong
    " column offset
    let errorformat .= '%-G%\%.%\%.%\%.%.%#,'

    let errorformat .=
                \ '%-GSyntax OK,' .
                \ '%E%f:%l: syntax error\, %m,' .
                \ '%Z%p^,' .
                \ '%W%f:%l: warning: %m,' .
                \ '%Z%p^,' .
                \ '%W%f:%l: %m,' .
                \ '%-C%.%#'

    let env = { 'RUBYOPT': '' }

    return SyntasticMake({ 'makeprg': makeprg, 'errorformat': errorformat, 'env': env })

call g:SyntasticRegistry.CreateAndRegisterChecker({
            \ 'filetype': 'ruby',
            \ 'name': 'mri',
            \ 'exec': 'ruby' })

let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo

" vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker:

Lets go over the parts of this file in detail.

2.1. IsAvailable() callback

This callback is used by the core to determine whether the checker is available. It should verify that the checker exe is installed and that any other environment dependencies are met. The checker exe is set by the exec attribute in the call to CreateAndRegisterChecker() (see below), and is available here as self.getExec().

If the callback should just check that the checker exe is present, you may omit this function: there is a default callback that simply returns executable(self.getExec()).

The checker exe with all special characters properly escaped for being run in a shell is available as self.getExecEscaped(). This is useful for example when checking versions:

let checker_new = syntastic#util#versionIsAtLeast(syntastic#util#getVersion(
            \ self.getExecEscaped() . ' --version'), [2, 1])

Please note that the results of IsAvailable() are cached. Thus if you install a known checker after syntastic has started, the new checker will be picked up by syntastic only the next time you restart Vim.

2.2. GetLocList() callback

This callback should perform the syntax check and return the results in the form of a quickfix list. See :help getqflist() for details of the format.

The function usually follows the same format for all checkers:

  • Build a makeprg (the program that performs the syntax check).
  • Build an errorformat string (the string that tells syntastic how to parse the output from the checker program.
  • Call SyntasticMake() with both of the above.

Notice how unexpected/strange parts of the errorformat string are documented on their own. This is good practice for maintenance reasons.

2.3. GetHighlightRegex(item) callback

Syntastic can highlight the erroneous parts of lines, and this callback is used to determine what those parts are.

This callback is optional.

For example, in ruby, this is a common warning:

warning: assigned but unused variable - SomeVariable

The above example would return \V\<SomeVariable\> which would cause occurrences of SomeVariable to be highlighted on the line in question.

The parameter a:item that gets passed in is an element from a quickfix list; see :help getqflist() for the contents. The callback should return a regular expression pattern matching the current error. At runtime a \%l is prepended to this pattern (see :help /\%l), in order to localise the match to the relevant line.

Please note that, unlike the above callbacks, GetHighlightRegex() is not a dictionary function.

2.4. Call to g:SyntasticRegistry.CreateAndRegisterChecker()

Every checker needs to call this function to tell syntastic that it exists. The parameters that are passed in will determine the filetype the checker is used for, the names of the functions that syntastic looks for, and the name of the checker's exe.

The exec attribute determines the checker's exe, and it can be omitted if it is the same as name. The user can override its value by setting the variable g:syntastic_<filetype>_<name>_exec.

In the above example, if we had passed in { 'filetype': 'java', 'name': 'foobar' } then syntastic would use the checker for java files, the checker's exe would be foobar, and syntastic would look for functions named SyntaxCheckers_java_foobar_GetLocList etc.

3. Helper functions

3.1. SyntasticMake(options)

Almost every checker calls this function to actually perform the check.

The function sets up the environment according to the options given, runs the checker, resets the environment, and returns the location list.

The argument a:options can contain the following keys:

  • makeprg
  • errorformat

The corresponding options are set for the duration of the function call. They are set with :let, so don't escape spaces.

a:options may also contain:

  • defaults - a dict containing default values for the returned errors
  • subtype - all errors will be assigned the given subtype
  • preprocess - a function to be applied to the checker's output before being parsed by syntastic
  • postprocess - a list of functions to be applied to the parsed error list
  • cwd - change directory to the given path before running the checker
  • env - a dict containing environment variables to set before running the checker
  • returns - a list of valid exit codes for the checker

The defaults option is useful in situations where e.g. the error output doesn't contain a filename or a meaningful message. In this case you could pass in 'defaults': { 'bufnr': bufnr(''), 'text': 'Syntax error' }. This would cause all items in the returned loclist to have the given bufnr and text values.

Pass in 'subtype': 'Style' to cause all location list items to be marked as "Style" errors rather than syntax errors. This is useful for tools like PHP mess detector.

Currently, the postprocessing functions that can be specified are:

  • compressWhitespace - replaces runs of whitespace in error text with single blanks
  • cygwinRemoveCR - removes carriage return characters from error text
  • decodeXMLEntities - decodes XML entities in the text field
  • filterForeignErrors - filters out the errors referencing other files
  • guards - makes sure line numbers are not past end of buffers (warning: this is slow).

3.2. makeprgBuild(options)

Use this function to build a makeprg. This function is preferable over manually building the makeprg string, as it allows users to override parts of it as they like.

The argument a:options can contain the following keys:

  • exe_before, exe, exe_after
  • args_before, args, args_after
  • fname_before, fname, fname_after
  • post_args_before, post_args, post_args_after
  • tail_before, tail, tail_after

The function returns a makeprg of the form <exe> <args> <fname> <post_args> <tail>. Each <option> consist actually of <option_before> <option> <option_after>, but we omitted <option_before> and <option_after> for clarity.

All arguments are optional. Each <option> can be overridden by the user at runtime by setting global variables g:syntastic_<filetype>_<checker-name>_<option>. In contrast, <option_before> and <option_after> are internal to the checker, and can't be changed by the user. Thus in the example above, -w -T1 can be overridden by the runtime variable g:syntastic_ruby_mri_args, but -c is always included in the final makeprg.

Variables g:syntastic_<filetype>_<checker-name>_<option> also have buffer-local versions b:syntastic_<filetype>_<checker-name>_<option>. As you probably expect, these take precedence over the global ones.

If omitted, exe defaults to self.getExecEscaped() (which is the checker's exe set by CreateAndRegisterChecker()), and fname is the name of the file being checked, both properly escaped for being passed to a shell.

The values in a:options can be either strings, or lists (of strings). Strings are used unchanged, and the user is responsible for escaping all characters that are special to the shell. List values have their elements automatically escaped (using Vim's idea of shell escaping for the current shell), then the results are joined, separated by spaces. This applies both to the values set inside the checkers, and to the values read from user variables, as described above.

4. Final steps

If your new checker handles a filetype previously unknown to syntastic, you should also add it to s:defaultCheckers in plugin/syntastic/registry.vim. If you don't, syntastic won't suggest the new filetype in command completions.

Last but not least, write a short description of the checker for the wiki, and include it in your pull request. If your checker has non-standard options, make sure to document them too.

5. Duplicate checkers

Sometimes a checker can handle several different filetypes. The preferred way to deal with this situation is to write the code for a single filetype, then add redirections to it from the other filetypes, rather than copying the code and changing the names. To make a redirection, just add an attribute 'redirect': '<target-filetype>/<target-checker>' to CreateAndRegisterChecker(), and add the files in the home directory of the target filetype to runtimepath. For example:

if exists("g:loaded_syntastic_cpp_cppcheck_checker")
let g:loaded_syntastic_cpp_cppcheck_checker = 1

runtime! syntax_checkers/c/*.vim

call g:SyntasticRegistry.CreateAndRegisterChecker({
    \ 'filetype': 'cpp',
    \ 'name': 'cppcheck',
    \ 'redirect': 'c/cppcheck'})

" vim: set et sts=4 sw=4:

The redirected checkers will have their own user options g:syntastic_<filetype>_<checker-name>_<option> independently of those of the target checker, but the defaults and the internal options set by makeprgBuild() will be the same for all filetypes. If you must have different defaults or different internal options for makeprgBuild(), you can define a file-scoped dictionary of options indexed by filetype, and use self.getFiletype() as a selector. For example:

" in the preamble
let s:default_args = {
    \ 'c': '',
    \ 'cpp': '-D__cplusplus' }


" in SyntaxCheckers_c_cppcheck_GetLocList()
let makeprg = self.makeprgBuild({
    \ 'args': s:default_args[self.getFiletype()],
    \ 'args_after': '-q --enable=style' })

In the example above, the cppcheck checker can handle both C and C++ files, the main code is the c/cppcheck, and cpp/cppcheck is just a redirection to it. Options g:syntastic_c_cppcheck_args and g:syntastic_cpp_cppcheck_args are independent of each other (and apply only to the corresponding filetypes), but the internal args_after is still the same for both checkers (namely '-q --enable=style').

6. External checkers

Syntastic can use checkers located in foreign plugins, outside syntastic's tree. To create such a checker, write it following the above description and put it in a file syntax_checkers/<filetype>/<checker>.vim in the root directory of your plugin.

If your checker needs to call preprocess or postprocess functions defined outside syntastic's tree, you have to add them to Preprocess and Postprocess options to SyntasticMake(), rather than the usual (lower case) preprocess and postprocess:

let loclist = SyntasticMake({
        \ 'makeprg': makeprg,
        \ 'errorformat': errorformat,
        \ 'Preprocess': 'my_preprocess',
        \ 'Postprocess': ['my_postprocess'] })

This will tell syntastic to call my_preprocess() and my_postprocess(), rather than syntastic#preprocess#my_preprocess() and syntastic#postprocess#my_postprocess() it would normally call.

If your checker adds a filetype previously unknown to syntastic and you care about proper tab completion, you need to tell syntastic about it. The variable g:syntastic_extra_filetypes can be used for this purpose. It's supposed to be a list of filetypes handled by external checkers, so you might want to add something like this to the initialization section of your plugin:

if exists('g:syntastic_extra_filetypes')
    call add(g:syntastic_extra_filetypes, '<filetype>')
    let g:syntastic_extra_filetypes = ['<filetype>']

Syntastic won't try to register your checker until it actually has to run it, so normally you shouldn't need to worry about your plugin being loaded before, or after syntastic.

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