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This is my CPS1011 Assignment

Created by Aiden Schembri

Question 1

Project Structure

The project is structured as follows:

├── Question 1
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── Question1.c - Contains all the code needed to run Question 1
├── Question 2
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── Question_2A.c - Contains the main method for Question 2A
│   ├── Question_2B.c - Contains the main method for Question 2B
│   ├── SetMethodsA.c - Contains all the function needed for Question 2A
│   ├── SetMethodsA.h - Contains all the function prototypes for Question 2A
│   ├── SetMethodsB.c - Contains all the function needed for Question 2B
│   ├── SetMethodsB.h - Contains all the function prototypes for Question 2B
│   ├── testingStructFileB.h - Contains the struct needed for Question 2B
├── Documentation
│   ├── CPS1011 Assignment Documentation.docx - Contains the documentation for the project in docx format for Word
│   ├── CPS1011 Assignment Documentation.pdf - Contains the documentation for the project in pdf format
│.gitignore - Contains the files that are to be ignored by git


In question 1 the program implements the Secant Method and the Newton-Raphson Method to find the closest root of a function. The appropriate error handling was done to make sure that the program runs smoothly.

How to run

To run on Windows, kindly uncomment lines 6 and 7 in the CMakeLists.txt file by removing the hashes in front:

MATH(EXPR stack_size "16 * 1024 * 1024") # 16 Mb
set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,--stack,${stack_size}")

On other operating systems, the stack size is already set to 16 Mb.

In CLion reload the CMake project, then select Question_1 in the configurations tab at the top right and run the program.

Question 2


In question 2 the program is designed to create a set with the ability to add, unionise sets, intersect sets, find the symmetric difference between sets, check if a set is a subset of another set, check if a set is a proper subset of another set, check if a set is empty, check if a set is equal to another set, check if a set is disjoint from another set.

How to run

Question 2A

In CLion reload the CMake project, then select Question_2A in the configurations tab at the top right and run the program.

Question 2B

In CLion reload the CMake project, then select Question_2B in the configurations tab at the top right and run the program.