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IMDb Analytics

This project aims to use various ways to help you explore IMDb in a visually fun way. Users are able to see trends of a TV Series' episode ratings (so they can easily idenfify flops such as Game of Thrones), see our predictions on whether a TV show / Movie will succeed commercially, explore our recommendations based on your search history, and more.

I use this project to explore Microservices architecture, the inner-workings of a recommendation engine, predictions through data mining, how a resilient internet scraper is built, and CI/CD best practices.


Web App CLI
stdui stdout


I visit IMDb almost on a daily basis. I use it to find new movies, look up critic reviews for TV episodes, and check out fun trivias for TV shows that I watch. While I love the service for how comprehensive and relevant it is, I wanted to do something to improve the site's UI. Hence this project, an attempt to provide a better interface for dealing with IMDb's data.


The application is organized as a series of microservices that communicates with each other using RPC or RESTful API.

Services manifest

Service Written In API Description
Web app Typescript (React) N/A The front-end of the application. Users use it to interact with various services.
Database service Python REST Provides an interface for interacting with MongoDb, where IMDb data is stored.
Extractor service Python RPC Extracts queried information from IMDb.
Job service Go RPC Schedules data extraction jobs, controlls extraction frequency, etc.
Recommendation service Python TBD To be implemented. Recommends IMDb entries based on search history (stored locally).
Prediction service Python TBD To be implemented. Predicts whether an unreleased movie / TV season would succeed commercially and/or critically.
User service TBD TBD Proposed, not confirmed. Allows users to log in using SSO (Google, Facebook, etc.), or to create an account.
Favorites service TBD TBD Proposed, not confirmed. Gives users the ability to save items into lists (like pinterest.

Learning goals

Originally intended to be a lightweight IMDb scraper, this project has evolved into a microservices learning experience. In this project, I hope to learn more about:

  • Microservices architectural design
    • Designation of responsibilities
    • Well-defined data flows (Istios)
    • Abstraction of common infrastructure
    • etc.
  • Docker containerization
  • Inter-container communication (RESTful vs. RPC)
  • Container orchestration (Kubernetes)
  • Golang and its advantages in concurrency
  • CI / CD

Trying out the application locally

This project is currently under development. To test the application on your host machine, you may follow the commands below. Note that some of the following instructions are unix-specific.

Before tesing, please ensure the following dependencies are installed:

To start up the environment, go to the root directory and run

make run-demo   # starts up the environment and loads sample data
# or
make run        # starts up the environment, without loading sample data

You should be able to access the web app at port 3001 (http://localhost:3001) now.

In a local environment, each service runs in a dedicated container. If you're interested in testing REST-ful calls to a service (provided REST-ful APIs are available), use the following command to see the mappings between containers' and the host's ports:

docker container ls

Use docker and docker-compose's documentation to learn more commands to play with the containers.