Teloscope is a universal telomere annotation tool. It comprehensively runs matching, counting, and reporting telomeric repeats from genome assemblies (.fa) or (.fa.gz). Teloscope reports all these metrics in BED/BEDgraph files and produces a summary report. To install teloscope
, use:
git clone --recursive;
cd teloscope;
make -j
teloscope -f input.[fa][.gz] -o [output/dir] -j [threads] -c [canonical] -p [patterns] -w [window size] -s [step size] -d [max-block-dist] -l [min-block-len] -k
Note: Teloscope automatically explores the input repeats and their reverse complements. If none are provided, it will scan for the canonical CCCTAA/TTAGGG repeats.
teloscope -f "${file}" -o "${out_path}" -c TTAGGG -p TTAGGG,TCAGGG,TGAGGG,TTGGGG -w 2000 -s 1000 -k
teloscope -f "${file}" -o "${out_path}" -j 16 -c TTAGGG -p NNNGGG -w 1000 -s 500 -d 200 -l 1000 -k --verbose
teloscope -f "${file}" -o "${out_path}" -j 16 -c TTAGGG -p TBAGGG,TTRGGG,YTAGGG -w 2000 -s 1000 -d 200 -l 1000 -k --verbose
Note: Teloscope accepts nucleotides in IUPAC format and generates all possible pattern combinations.
To check out all options and flags, please use:
teloscope -h
Required Parameters:
'-f' --input-sequence Initiate tool with fasta/fasta.gz file.
'-o' --output Set output route.
'-c' --canonical Set canonical pattern. [Default: TTAGGG]
'-p' --patterns Set patterns to explore, separate them by commas [Default: TTAGGG]
'-w' --window Set sliding window size. [Default: 1000]
'-s' --step Set sliding window step. [Default: 500]
'-j' --threads Set the maximum number of threads. [Default: max. available]
'-l' --min-block-length Set minimum block length for evaluation. [Default: 2000]
'-d' --max-block-distance Set maximum block distance for merging. [Default: 200]
Optional Parameters:
'-m' --mode Set analysis modes, separate them by commas. [Options: all,match,gc,entropy]
'-k' --keep-window-data Keep window data for analysis, memory-intensive. [Default: false]
'-v' --version Print current software version.
'-h' --help Print current software options.
--verbose verbose output.
Teloscope outputs telomere annotations in BED files. All the outputs are:
Annotation of the full telomere in the assembly. This is made of canonical and non-canonical repeats.telomere_blocks_canonical.bed
Blocks of adjacent canonical repeat matches. Outside of the ends, it represents interstitial telomeres (ITSs).window_metrics.tsv
Tabulated file with calculated window metrics such as GC% and Shannon Entropywindow_repeats.bedgraph
File with canonical repeats, non-canonical repeats, canonical densities, and non-canonical densities by window.canonical_matches.bed
Coordinates of canonical repeats throughout the assembly.noncanonical_matches.bed
Coordinates of non-canonical repeats in terminal regions of contigs.
Briefly, Teloscope reads an assembly and decomposes its parts. It uses prefix trees and sliding windows to efficiently perform multiple string matching and counting of telomeric repeats. It analyzes the informational properties of the sliding windows to find telomeric blocks. These blocks are collected, post-processed, and filtered according to their positional and conformational properties.
If you use Teloscope in your research, please, cite this repository.