#Project is deployed on vercel: https://task-management-assignmnt.vercel.app/
A Task Manager Application built using React, TypeScript, and Axios for seamless API communication. This application enables users to manage tasks efficiently with features like task creation, editing, deletion, reordering, and a smooth drag-and-drop experience.
- ✅ Create new tasks with a title, description, and status.
- ✏️ Update existing tasks (edit title, description, or status).
- ❌ Delete tasks.
- 🔄 Toggle task status between PENDING and COMPLETED.
- 🔀 Reorder tasks effortlessly using react-beautiful-dnd.
- 🔎 Search tasks quickly by title.
- 🌗 Toggle between light and dark themes for an enhanced user experience.
- 🚨 Ensures task titles are not empty before creating or updating tasks.
- 📡 Fetch tasks from a backend API.
- 📥 Create, 📝 update, and 🗑️ delete tasks using API endpoints.
- React (for building the user interface)
- TypeScript (for type safety and maintainability)
- Axios (for API communication)
- react-beautiful-dnd (for drag-and-drop functionality)
- Styled Components / Tailwind CSS (for styling)
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/vedas-dixit/Task-Management-Assignmnt.git
- Navigate to the project folder:
cd task-manager
- Install dependencies:
npm install
Add this to .env.local file: NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL: NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL=https://67a232f8409de5ed5254a352.mockapi.io/tasks
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /tasks |
Fetch all tasks |
POST | /tasks |
Create a new task |
PUT | /tasks/:id |
Update an existing task |
DELETE | /tasks/:id |
Delete a task |