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Vedas Dixit's Portfolio

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Welcome to my personal portfolio! This project is a reflection of my creativity and skills in frontend development. Built with React.js, it showcases my work through custom animations and 3D effects using WebGL.

Live Demo

Explore my portfolio: Vedas Dixit's Portfolio

Tech Stack


  • Next.js: Used for building the frontend, providing server-side rendering and a great developer experience.
  • React: Utilized for building reusable UI components and managing application state.
  • SCSS: Employed for styling the components, offering more structured and maintainable stylesheets.
  • Three.js: Integrated for creating 3D graphics and visualizations in the browser.
  • drei: A lightweight wrapper around Three.js, simplifying common tasks and providing additional utilities.
  • GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform): Utilized for creating smooth animations and interactive effects.
  • Framer Motion: Used for building animations and gestures with simple declarative APIs.

Other Tools

  • GitHub: Hosts the project repository and version control.
  • npm: Used for package management and dependency installation.


  • Custom Animations: Leveraging JavaScript and WebGL for visually captivating animations.
  • Responsive Design: Ensuring the portfolio looks great on all devices.
  • 3D Effects: Creating immersive experiences with Three.js and WebGL.
  • Smooth Transitions: Using GSAP and Framer Motion for interactive and fluid animations.


To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone