loderunner-ng is a classic Lode Runner game remake heavily based on LodeRunner_TotalRecall implementation by Simon Hung.
Practically all sprites are taken from LodeRunner_TotalRecall project. Code is mostly written from scratch using LodeRunner_TotalRecall as a reference and documentation. Another helpful source of implementation details was used is Championship Lode Runner: Guard psychology and analysis of the C code article.
The app can be built using cmake
$ cmake .
$ cmake --build .
$ ./loderunner-ng
Application also supports some useful command-line options.
-- run in fullscreen mode-l N
-- start playing directly from levelN
-- mute sound-V N
-- set sound volume toN
-- move leftUp
-- move upRight
-- move rightDown
-- move downX
-- dig hole right to the runnerZ
-- dig hole right to the runnerP
-- pauseEscape
-- quitEnter
-- skip keyhole animation
The program's source code (excluding textures and sounds), is released under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later, which is distributed in the COPYING file. Textures and sound belongs to LodeRunner_TotalRecall project by Simon Hung.