A Java desktop application involving MySQL database for management of pharmacy.
- An employee whose designation = ’SalesPerson’ can
- Generate Retail_Invoice which also modifies Stock Available.
- Create a profile for new customers.
- An employee whose designation = ’Manager’ can
- Create profiles for new SalesPerson in Employee table
- Create profiles for new Suppliers in Supplier table
- Create entry in Medicine table for a new medicine which was not present in the database
- Make Supplier_transactions which modifies the stock_available of medicines.
A Supplier is a wholesale dealer who supplies medicines stock to the pharmacy
A customer buys medicines for which an invoice is generated by Salesperson. For every transaction, the customer receives reward points depending upon the amount of transaction (Trigger is used for this functionality). These points can be redeemed for direct discount in next transaction
Check the ER diagram image in the repository: Pharmacy-dbms/er_diagram.jpg