Gradle plugin that lets you visualize your dependencies in a graph.
Gradle 3.3 or higher is required.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "com.vanniktech:gradle-dependency-graph-generator-plugin:0.8.0"
apply plugin: "com.vanniktech.dependency.graph.generator"
Note that this plugin can be applied at the root of the project or at a specific project. Both cases will just work.
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
classpath "com.vanniktech:gradle-dependency-graph-generator-plugin:0.9.0-SNAPSHOT"
apply plugin: "com.vanniktech.dependency.graph.generator"
By default, this plugin provides two reporting tasks:
Source project: vanniktech/Emoji
The graphs are generated in .png
, .svg
& .dot
There are extension points to be able to generate graphs which only include some dependencies and their transitive ones. The trick is to hook a Generator in over the dependencyGraphGenerator
extension. Note that this is extremely experimental and will likely change between releases. It's still fun though.
We only want to show which Jetbrains libraries we're using.
import com.vanniktech.dependency.graph.generator.DependencyGraphGeneratorPlugin
import guru.nidi.graphviz.attribute.Color
import guru.nidi.graphviz.attribute.Style
dependencyGraphGenerator {
generators {
jetbrainsLibraries {
include = { dependency -> dependency.getModuleGroup().startsWith("org.jetbrains") } // Only want Jetbrains.
children = { true } // Include transitive dependencies.
dependencyNode = { node, dependency -> node.add(Style.FILLED, Color.rgb("#AF1DF5")) } // Give them some color.
The same can be done using Kotlin
import com.vanniktech.dependency.graph.generator.DependencyGraphGeneratorExtension
import com.vanniktech.dependency.graph.generator.DependencyGraphGeneratorPlugin
import guru.nidi.graphviz.attribute.Color
import guru.nidi.graphviz.attribute.Style
configure<DependencyGraphGeneratorExtension> {
generators.create("jetbrainsLibraries") {
include = { dependency -> dependency.moduleGroup.startsWith("org.jetbrains") } // Only want Jetbrains.
children = { true } // Include transitive dependencies.
dependencyNode = { node, dependency -> node.add(Style.FILLED, Color.rgb("#AF1DF5")) } // Give them some color.
This will generate a new task generateDependencyGraphJetbrainsLibraries
which when run will yield this graph:
Copyright (C) 2018 Vanniktech - Niklas Baudy
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0