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Repository for #100DaysOfCode. This repo will contain the solutions to the questions I solve and their approach for future reference.

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100DaysOfCode (Starting from June 1, 2021)

Repository for #100DaysOfCode. This repository will contain the solutions to the questions I solve and their approach for future reference.

Day 1 (01/06/21)

Started with Linked List. Solved 8 questions of linked list (find middle, reverse list, check palindrome, reorder list, merge two sorted lists, remove duplicates from sorted lists, linked list sorting, merge K sorted lists)

Day 2 (02/06/21)

Solved 6 questions of linked list (detect linked list, find the node where linked list cycle begins, find the node where two linked lisst intersect, remove Nth node from the end, reverse linked list in a given range, segregate even and odd nodes in a linked list)

Day 3 (03/06/21)

Solved 3 questions of linked list (reverse nodes in k group, copy list with random pointer, LRU cache)

Day 4 (04/06/21)

Started with Stacks. Solved 9 questions of stacks (next greater on right, next greater on left, next smaller on right, next smaller on left, next greater element II, stock span, online stock span, valid parentheses sequence, valid stack sequence)

Day 5 (05/06/21)

Solved 3 questions of Stacks (minimum remove to make valid parentheses, asteroid collision, largest rectangle in histogram)

Day 6 (06/06/21)

Solved 6 questions of Stacks (maximal rectangle, remove k digits, remove duplicate letters, longest valid parentheses, min stack, trapping rain water)

Day 7 (07/06/21)

Revised linked list, stacks and the questions previously done for these topics

Day 8 (08/06/21)

Started with Hashmap and Heaps, revised theory

Day 9 (09/06/21)

Solved 3 questions of Hashmaps and Heaps (Kth largest element in an array, Kth largest element in a stream, intersection of two arrays)

Day 10 (10/06/21)

Solved 4 questions of Hashmaps and Heaps (intersection of two arrays II, top K frequent elements, longest consecutive sequence, K closest points to origin)

Day 11 (11/06/21)

Solved 4 questions of Hashmaps and Heaps (Kth smallest element in sorted matrix, insert delete getrandom O(1), maximum frequency stack, trapping rain water II)

Day 12 (12/06/21)

Solved 2 questions of Hashmaps and Heaps (swim in rising water, find median from data stream)

Day 13 (13/06/21)

Solved 2 questions of Hashmaps and Heaps (merge K sorted lists, smallest range covering from K lists)

Day 14 (14/06/21)

Solved 5 questons of Binary Trees (size, height, maximum and minimum element, sum of binary tree, find data in binary tree)

Day 15 (15/06/21)

Solved 6 questions of Binary Trees (root to leaf path, lowest common ancestor, inorder, preorder, postorder and level order traversal)

Day 16 (16/06/21)

Solved 4 questions of Binary Trees (All nodes distance K, diameter, path sum, path sum II)

Day 17 (17/06/21)

Solved 4 questions of Binary Trees (Maximum Path Sum between 2 Leaf Nodes, Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum, Left View of Binary Tree, Right View of Binary Tree)

Day 18 (18/06/21)

Solved 3 questions of Binary Trees (Vertical order traversal, Bottom view of tree, vertical sum)

Day 19 (19/06/21)

Solved 4 questions of Binary Trees (Diagonal traversal, constructing binary tree from preorder, inorder and postorder traversal taken 2 at a time)

Day 20 (20/06/21)

Solved 1 question of Binary Trees(flatten a binary tree into a linked list)

Day 21 (21/06/21)

Solved 3 questions of Binary Trees (binary tree to doubly linked list, binary tree to circular doubly linked list, serialize and deserialize binary tree)

Day 22 (22/06/21)

Solved 3 questions of Binary Trees (binary tree camera, house robber III, path sum III)

Day 23 (23/06/21)

Solved 3 questions of Binary Trees (maximum width, burning tree, longest zigzag path)

Day 24 (24/06/21)

Started with Binary search trees and solved 8 questions (size, height, maximum, minimum, search, insert, lowest common ancestor, convert sorted array into BST)

Day 25 (25/06/21)

Revised some old concepts done till now

Day 26 (26/06/21)

Solved 1 question of Binary Search Trees (delete node in a BST)

Day 27 (27/06/21)

Solved 4 questions of Binary Search Trees (Inorder predecessor and successor, BST iterator, construct BST from preorder traversal, validate BST)

Day 28 (28/06/21)

Solved 2 questions of Binary Search Trees (Two Sum IV - Input is a BST, Balance a Binary Search Tree)

Day 29 (29/06/21)

Solved 1 question of AVL Trees (AVL Tree Insertion)

Day 30 (30/06/21)

Started with generic trees and solved 10 questions (size, height, maximmum, minimum, find the given node, root to node path, lowest common ancestor, level order traversal, is mirror)

Day 31 (01/07/21)

Studied Morris Traversal and solved 6 questions (inorder and preorder morris traversal, recover BST, Kth smallest element in BST, construct BST from level order traversal, find median of BST)

Day 32 (02/07/21)

Started with graphs and did 4 questions (print adjacency matrix, has path, print all paths, count paths)

Day 33 (03/07/21)

Solved 2 questions of Graphs (hamiltonian path and cycle, get connected components)

Day 34 (04/07/21)

Solved 4 questions of Graph (number of islands, island perimeter, max area of island, surrounded regions)

Day 35 (05/07/21)

Solved 3 questions of Graph (detect cycle, shortest path in binary matrix, is graph bipartite)

Day 36 (06/07/2

Worked on Microsoft Teams clone project

Day 37 (07/07/21)

Worked on Microsoft Teams clone project

Day 38 (08/07/21)

Worked on Microsoft Teams clone project

Day 39 (09/07/21)

Solved 2 questions of Graph (rotting oranges, walls and gates)

Day 40 (10/07/21)

Studied Topological Sort and Kahn's algorithm

Day 41 (11/07/21)

Studied cycle detection in graph using DFS and Kosaraju's algorithm

Day 42 (19/07/21)

Studied Union find algorithm and solved 3 questions (Course schedule, course schedule II, longest increasing path in a matrix)

Day 43 (20/07/21)

Studied basic DSA (number manipulation)

Day 44 (21/07/21)

Revised time complexity and arrays and did some questions on these topics

Day 45 (22/07/21)

Revised searching algorithms, their implementation and time complexity. Also revised trees, their types, implementation (insertion, dleetion, traversals)

Day 46 (23/07/21)

Revised hashing, its key terminologies, and hashing techniques. Also revised heaps and priority queues

Day 47 (24/07/21)

Revised linked lists and binary treesad solved questions on these topics

Day 48 (25/07/21)

Revised stacks and queues, hashmaps and heaps. Also revised a little bit of OOPS and OS

Day 49 (26/07/21)

Completed OOPS revision and revised arrays and strings

Day 50 (27/07/21)

Solved a mixed bag of questions for online assessment preparation

Day 51 (30/07/21)

Revised graphs

Day 52 (31/07/21)

Revised graphs

Day 53 (01/08/21)

Solved 4 questions on union find algo of graphs (redundant connection, lexicographically smallest equivalent string, similar string groups, number of islands-II)

Day 54 (02/08/21)

Studied minimum spanning trees

Day 55 (05/08/21)

Studied Kruskal's algorithm and solved three questions (optimize water distribution in a village, number of islands, max area of island)

Day 56 (07/08/21)

Solved 3 questions on union find algo and modified bfs (journey to the moon, mr. president, bus routes)

Day 57 (08/08/21)

Studied Prim's algorithm

Day 58 (09/08/21)

Studied Dijkstra's algorithm

Day 59 (10/08/21)

Studied articulation point and bridge, solved one question (Network delay time)

Day 60 (11/08/21)

Solved 3 questions (critical connections in a network, cheapest flights within k stops, minimum malware spread)


Day 61 (13/01/22)

Solved 4 questions (rotate and array k times, seperate 0s and 1s, seperate 0s, 1s and 2s, maximum sum in the configuration)

Day 62 (15/01/22)

Solved 3 questions (container with most water, longest substring without repeating characters, longest substring with atmost 2 distinct characters)

Day 63 (17/01/22)

Solved 4 questions (minimum window substring, smallest distinct window, longest substring with k unique characters, maximum number of vowel in substring of given length

Day 64 (18/01/22)

Solved 4 questions (subarrays with k different integer, count number of nice subarrays, fruit into baskets, binary subarrays wirh sum)

Day 65 (19/01/22)

Solved 4 questions (max consecutive ones, max consecutive ones ii, max consecutive ones iii, subarray sums divisble by k)

Day 66 (20/01/22)

Solved 3 questions (subarrays with equal 1s and 0s, contiguous array, sliding window maximum)

Day 67 (22/01/22)

Solved 5 questions (maximum subarray-kadane's algo, k concatenation maximum sum, maximum sum rectangle in 2D matrix, rabbits in forest, number of submatrices that sum to target)

Day 68 (24/01/22)

Solved 1 question(max sum of rectangle no larger than k) and revised arrays


Repository for #100DaysOfCode. This repo will contain the solutions to the questions I solve and their approach for future reference.






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