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mail2elasticsearch unlicense

A MIME email indexer for ElasticSearch, written in Go.

  • preserves mail structure (nested parts)
  • tells ElasticSearch to index dates correctly
  • deduplicates attachments by storing them in a plain filesystem folder, using hashed contents as the filename (note: potential attachment content indexing using other tools)
  • decodes a ton of character sets, with autodetection when needed
  • is observable: uses structured logging, optionally exposes profiling and stats over HTTP
  • is fast: indexes multiple files in parallel, uses ElasticSearch's bulk index endpoint, static JSON encoding, SIMD accelerated BLAKE2b hashing
  • is (mostly) robust: tested on a large real-world mail archive, did not crash, most mail was parsed correctly, but some messages were skipped (weird EOFs, quoted-printable errors)


$ mail2elasticsearch -h # check available flags
$ mail2elasticsearch -init # setup the index

$ mail2elasticsearch < /mail/cur/some.letter # stdin
$ mail2elasticsearch /mail/cur/some.letter /mail/cur/other.letter # paths
$ mail2elasticsearch /mail/cur # recursive walk (e.g. initial bulk indexing)


$ dep ensure
$ mail2elasticsearch -srvaddr -attachdir /tmp/files ~/testmail/cur 2>&1 | humanlog
$ go-torch -u -t 120 --binaryname=mail2elasticsearch
$ expvarmon -ports=""



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