Library provides a set of tools for working with RSA cryptographic algorithm.
- iOS 9.0+
- Swift 4.1+
To integrate RSA
into your project using Carthage, specify it in your RSA
github "valery-bashkatov/RSA" ~> 2.0.0
And then follow the instructions to install the framework.
API Reference is located at
import Security
import RSA
let text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..."
var publicKey: SecKey
var privateKey: SecKey
// Key pair generation
(publicKey, privateKey) = try! RSA.generateKeyPair(withSize: 2048)
// Encryption
let encryptedData: Data = try! RSA.encrypt(data: .utf8)!, using: publicKey)
// Decryption
let decryptedData: Data = try! RSA.decrypt(data: encryptedData, using: privateKey)
// Signing
let signature: Data = try! RSA.sign(encryptedData, using: privateKey, digestAlgorithm: .PKCS1SHA1)
// Verification
let verificationResult: Bool = try! RSA.verify(encryptedData, using: publicKey, digestAlgorithm: .PKCS1SHA1, signature: signature)
// Key's data
let data: Data =
// Key's PEM
let pem: String = publicKey.pem
// Key creation from data
let publicKeyFromData: SecKey = try! SecKey.make(from: data, isPublicKey: true)
// Key creation from PEM
let publicKeyFromPEM: SecKey = try! SecKey.make(fromPEM: pem, isPublicKey: true)